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RAIN 01/27: Andersen Update Part 3

There are 12 stories in this posting.

Houston Chronicle 01/23/02
Judge delays order to stop shredding

by Rosanna Ruiz and Patty Reinert
A federal judge postponed her decision today on whether to issue a temporary restraining order against Enron's former auditor Arthur Andersen. U.S. District Judge Melinda Harmon instead gave plaintiffs' attorneys time to assemble one motion relating to revelations of document destruction at both companies.

Houston Chronicle 01/25/02
Judge OKs depositions on shredding

by Rosanna Ruiz
A federal judge has approved an order allowing attorneys for Enron stockholders to take depositions from one former and five current employees of the company's auditing firm concerning document destruction.

Associated Press 01/24/02
Judge approves Enron shredding plan

by Kristen Hays
HOUSTON (AP) - A federal judge Thursday approved a plan from lawyers for Enron Corp. shareholders to ensure that Arthur Andersen LLP shreds no more documents related to the fallen energy giant's audits.
U.S. District Judge Melinda Harmon ruled lawyers suing Enron officials can start taking depositions from employees in Andersen's Houston office who were fired or suspended for shredding Enron-related documents.

KHOU 01/24/02
Andersen employees urged to work overtime to destroy documents

by Tom Ackerman
A congressional committee has released a memo urging Houston employees of Arthur Andersen to work overtime to destroy documents. The October 24 order is from a manager working for fired auditor David Duncan.
It tells employees to keep shredding for "however long it takes."
And what to shred, another quote from the memo said, "Folders, personal hard drives, current year project folders, prior year project folders, CYA documentation."

KHOU 01/24/02
One former Enron employee is skeptical about shredding allegations

by George Smith
In a statement Enron had this to say about reports employees shredded documents after being told not to: "Since October 25th Enron has notified employees in no uncertain terms that they are to preserve all documents and materials. The company has sent out four emails to that effect from October 25, 2001 through January 14, 2002."

Washington Post 01/22/02
Manager says Enron shredded documents

by Peter Behr
An Enron project manager has told attorneys suing the company that she saw evidence of widespread shredding of documents at Enron Corp.'s Houston headquarters, beginning after the start of a former federal securities investigation was announced Oct. 31 last year.

Washington Post 01/25/02
Andersen officials grilled on shredding

by Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Kathleen Day
House members probing the sudden demise of Enron Corp. pressed executives at the company's auditor, Arthur Andersen, yesterday on why they didn't do more to preserve Enron audit documents last fall, after they learned that federal regulators were investigating the energy trader's finances.

Dallas Morning News 01/25/02
Lawmakers seek contents of Enron documents, who shredded and why

by H.Joseph
WASHINGTON - The first hard look by Congress at what's behind the Enron Corp. collapse left lawmakers certain of only one thing: Thousands of documents were destroyed by the energy company's blue-ribbon accounting firm.
But who ordered the shredding? What was on the papers? Was someone trying to stifle a government investigation? And did Arthur Andersen LLP's lucrative consulting business influence its actions as Enron's accountant?

New York Times 01/24/02
Wide effort seen in shredding data on Enron's audit

by Richard A. Oppel Jr.
Washington, Jan. 23 - Scores of people who worked at Arthur Andersen's Houston office were involved in the destruction of documents related to the Enron Corporation, the chairman of one of the Congressional subcommittees that will begin hearings Thursday on Enron's collapse said today.

Sydney Morning Herald 01/26/02
Work overtime to destroy Enron records, staff told

An Andersen manager told Houston employees to work overtime to destroy documents related to its audit of Enron Corp, files that might help explain why the No1 energy trader collapsed in the largest US bankruptcy.

Associated Press 01/25/02
Judge orders Enron records preserved

by Kristen Hays
HOUSTON (AP) -- A federal judge has barred Arthur Andersen LLP from shredding any more documents related to Enron Corp. (NYSE:ENE - news) audits and ruled employees who admitted to destroying documents must give depositions as early as next month.

New York Times 01/26/01
Raiders revive accounting claims

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- The Oakland Raiders are reviving claims that the accounting firm Arthur Andersen destroyed evidence that could prove it lied in 1995 when it assured sellouts at the team's stadium.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va