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Re: Dropping Like Flies

Title: RE: Dropping Like Flies

And the prize goes to Susan, as the first poster to a.) recognize my posting as SATIRE (Come on folks: do you REALLY believe that a.) Dick Cheney EVEN knows who Nicholson Baker is? and b.) That Nicholson Baker would get involved in the Cheney/Enron/Anderson embroglio? Nothing against Baker, well, at least not in THIS context {i.e., rumormongering!}, but, come on...) and c.) recognize the Pythonesque nature of the oblique reference to Digital Imaging and Photography ("She's goer, eh? Into sports, eh? Know what I mean, nudge, nudge?"). Not only that, she's promulgated yet another great rumor: Tom Ridge reads the List!

Think of this all as a semi-hysterical response to the combined Infoglut of Cheney/Enron/Anderson/ (or "Pipelineistan" for short!) and the implications of Executive Order 13233. The Smirking Chimp refers to this media circus as "Enronpalooza" (http://www.SmirkingChimp.com/article.php?sid=5099)...

Driving through some very thick fog this morning, I paused in thought to wonder how much of the fog was in my head. Clearly, not all of it. This thread evolved from a discussion of opportunities in which we, as archivists, could promote a positive image of our profession. The fact is we don't "need" crises or scandals in which to do this. Take a long at the soul-searching over on the Rec-Mgmt list if you don't believe me. Positive proselytizing of this profession is s 24x7x365 endeavor and word-of-mouth does an amazing job. Sure, you get tired of those uninformed questions, responses, and blank looks, but there are also those times when the lights go on at the other side of the conversation and you realize that "they" understand why what you do is still important.

Be careful what you wish for when you go thinking that we need a scandal to promote our image. Oh, and while I wish I could claim credit for "Pipelineistan," I can't. It first appears here: http://atimes.com/c-asia/DA25Ag01.html ... the page even has a map, for those who feel slightly "*istan-challenged."

Dennis Moser, MILS
Project Director, IMLS National Leadership Grant
Digital Imaging Faculty
Lee College
P.O. Box 818, Baytown, TX 77522-0818
(281)425-6819/(281)425-6557 (fax)

Obviously not an official statement of my employer!