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HVAC system re-do

Hi all -
I have been lurking on this list since I rejoined the archives world back in October.  I could really use some advise on an upcoming problem.
Our department shares the basement of the library with a media & distance learning center filled with lots of computer classrooms.  The extra heat-load is doing a number on the HVAC system, so they plan on replacing the basement system this summer.  One problem.  They have to turn off the old system in order to put in the new one.  We will have no air conditioning and no air circulation all summer.
I can't decide on which option sounds best:
1. run fans & risk drying out the air
2. run portable air conditioners (like swamp coolers) and risk too much humidity
3. leave it alone & hope the continued heat-load from next door doesn't affect the natural insulation that comes from being below ground level.
And for staff, should I:
1. move us upstairs for the entire summer, returning only to page items for patrons
2. move us out for the 2 weeks when the construction will immediately impact our areas
Any additional suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Karen Kearns
Head, Special Collections and Archives
Idaho State University
Campus Box 8089
Pocatello, Idaho 83209
(208) 282-3608