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Internship opportunity

The Medical Heritage Center at the Prior Health Sciences Library, The Ohio State University, is offering a paid internship for a qualified student to work on the William G. Myers, MD PhD collection. The supervised internship will provide the applicant with experience in the areas of processing, appraisal, description, preservation, and other archival practices. The internship can be tailored so that the intern can receive academic credit for his/her program of study.

Qualified applicants should have:
- Some prior experience or training in archival and library practices. Graduate students in library science or archival programs of study are preferred.
- A commitment to work as many weeks and hours as necessary to satisfactorily complete the terms of the internship. 
- An interest in the medical history of the Central Ohio region and in medical history in general.
- A willingness to work in a medical library/archive environment.

Salary is based upon experience. Interested students should contact Judith Wiener (614) 292-9966 or
wiener.3@osu.edu for an application form and for additional information.