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DC in human-readable form?

I am working on the digitization of various pamphlets culled from the different parts of our collections.  As I am doing with with effectively no budget, the digitization is fairly simple--I'm scanning each page as a black and white TIFF and generating a PDF from that.  All of which is straightforward enough, but the metadata is confusing me.  I would like to use Dublin Core to describe each pamphlet.  It's trivial to add the DC to the HTML file (each pamphlet will have a catalog page on the site), but is there a way to make that metadata display on the page without simply re-entering it in the body of the HTML by hand?  Or some better way altogether to go about this?  The way I'm doing it seems terribly inefficient.
Yes, I realize that DC is meant to be done in XML, and that doing this in XML would solve this problem easily.  At some point in the future, I'd like to go through and re-do these pages in XML, which is a large part of the reason I'm adding the DC now.  But at the moment XML is not an option.
--Eli Naeher
  Lower Cape Fear Historical Society