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Update of rbarry.com/mybestdocs.com website: August 4, 2002

Dear Colleagues:

Please excuse cross postings.

Below is a summary of several new items that have been added to the content of the rbarry.com website in this August 4, 2002, update, which I believe you will find both interesting and useful. 

Please take special note of the fact that the URL for this website will change on August 14, 2002, to mybestdocs.com. As the website is up for sale, I felt it was appropriate to provide a domain name that is not directly associated with me as an individual or with Barry Associates.  And, as there are some 70 sites internationally that have links to rbarry.com, I hope that readers will change their links or request their content managers or webmasters to do so at or very shortly after that time. I also invite you to take this opportunity to add links from your site if you don't already have one.

Thanks for visiting and thanks to the many contributors.


Rick Barry
www.rbarry.com (to become www.mybestdocs.com August 14, 2002)

New Papers this update  @  rbarry.com  August 4, 2002:

I would like to draw your special attention to a new book TOC and book excerpt from the just published Archives and the Public Good, 2002 Richard Cox and David Wallace, Editors, with outstanding content by some of the best thinkers, do-ers and writers in the field, including an Introduction by Richard Cox and David A. Wallace, and chapter offerings by: James M. O'Toole; Terry Cook; Kimberly Barata, Piers Cain, Dawn Routledge, and Justus Wamukoya; David A. Wallace; Shelley Davis; Robin L. Chandler and Susan Storch; Greg Bradsher; Verne Harris; Anne Van Camp; David B. Gracy II; Victoria L. Lemieux; Barbara L. Craig; and Chris Hurley. This is must reading for every professional information manager, including all archivists and records managers and teachers and students of those professions.

The Webopedia resource has been added to the home page and Special Resources section. Click on it to get the "word of the day." No religious connotation here
8^)  This is a helper in extending your technical vocabulary.  Or put in a word or acronym that you want to learn more about, and see what you can find.

New website HOT TOPIC section:

This new "Hot Topics/911-411" section is dedicated to "emergency (911)" "information (411)" about  post-911 issues and especially those that have information management/records management implications. It is a starter section where little content is readily available. We would be pleased to receive suggestions for additional papers for this section from readers. Please send comments and suggestions to 911@rbarry.com

Retired HOT TOPIC section:

The HOT TOPICS/Org Change section containing papers from the NAGARA 1997 Conference, Sustainable Change: Getting to the Heart of Our Challenges has been deleted and the papers that were earlier located in that section have been moved to the Guest Authors section (Chauncey Bell, Lew Bellardo, Andy Birrell, John Carlin, Brewster Kahle, Raul Medina Mora, David Roberts, J. Timothy Sprehe).
New Content in Special Resources Section:

Rick Barry, Barry Associates, "A Personal Guide to Detecting and Avoiding Viruses and Hoaxes."  Since viruses have become especially insidious in recent months and have become the regular topic of international discussion lists, helpful links have been added to the Special Resources  page, including an emergency free on-line virus scan and a new "A Personal Guide to Detecting and Avoiding Viruses, Hoaxes & Urban Legends," by Rick Barry. These resources are mainly for individuals to help them avoid and fix related problems. However, when visiting some of these pages, you will also be able to find links to related resources for enterprises. While, legally, I don't want to have these listing signify endorsement of any product, you get the idea.

The Onlinenewspaper.com Newspaper Index placing thousands of world newspapers at your fingertips!

New Guest Author Items:

Foteini Aravani and Gordon Brown, University of Glasgow. A BOOK REVIEW of:  Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook by Maggie Jones, Neil Beagrie.

Richard Cox, "Former President Giuliani and His Library?"  This is an OpEd piece that Cox submitted to the New York Times. Unfortunately, the Times did not publish this paper.  Perhaps the Virginia newspapers will pick it up now that the subject has become hot again with the Virginia Archivist demanding that former Governor James S. Gilmore III (R) turn over public records from his administration.  (We should all say thank you to Virginia State Librarian Nolan T. Yelich <nyelich@lva.lib.va.us> for his courage, integrity and tenacity in taking on this politically sensitive and increasingly common problem.)
New Website Recordkeeping Items:

Public Records Office, UK. "Management of electronic records on websites and intranets: an ERM toolkit"

Brian Robinson, "A voice from the near future," Federal Computer Week,  March 18, 2002, on recently developed VoiceXML specifications.

Thomas J. Ruller, "Open All Night: Using the Internet to Improve Access to Archives: A Case Study of the New York State Archives and Records Administration."

New E-communications items:

Jonathan D. Glater, "Companies Rethink What to Shed, and When, New York Times, July 12, 2002.

Susan Hash, "The Lack of a Formal E-Mail Policy Can Create Risk of Liability," CCMReview September 2000

Jeff Johnson, "Netiquette Training: Whose Responsibility?" CPSR/Palo Alto, CPSR Newsletter

Maine State Government Information Services Policy Board Policies   on netiquette, email and vmail

Laura Mitchell, National Archives of Scotland, "EMAIL: Elephant Traps and How to Avoid Them." 

Chris Seper, Plain Dealer Reporter, "Self-shredding e-mail," Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 15, 2002.

New Special Resources listings:

Internet Moving Images Archive: Movie Collection 

David Mattison, Access Services Archivist, "Images of History on the Web" British Columbia's Archives.
News items and postings:

"2001 AMA Survey: Workplace Monitoring & Surveillance: Policies and Practices: Summary of Key Findings"

NARA 1930 Census Data  and Canadian Archives (ARCAN) List posting on subject by P. Nielson.

Malcolm Gladwell, "The Social Life of Paper: Looking for method in the mess," The New Yorker,  March 25, 2002. This article was widely discussed on the Australian Archivists List, thanks to a posting by Kym Muller, Collection Documentation, National Archives of Australia.

"Historic Manuscripts Commission is to merge with the Public Record Office."

NARA 1930 Census Data and Canadian Archives (ARCAN) List posting on subject by P. Nielson.