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Re: Email & Increased Research Requests

We first began answering questions by e-mail in April 1999.  We had 267 that
year (11% of our total reference questions), 915 in 2000 (37%), 984 in 2001
(43%), and are currently up to 770 through July 2002 (52%).  We also have
developed a large backlog, primarily of e-mail questions.

Our total reference numbers keep going up. Although some of the e-mail
questions replace those we would have answered formerly by phone, mail, or
in person, we seem to be getting lots of the "oh, yeah, let's e-mail Circus
World to see if they have anything" questions, questions that normally would
not have been asked due to time constraints, or from general lack of
interest in pursuing a question in all of its many possible directions.
Many of these people seem to be angry that we do not provide answers the
same day.  And they do want "everything" copied for them.  Of course, none
of our indexes is online, nor the sources the indexes cite.  We do a lot of

Actually, I think a 3-week delay is downright minimal.  Good for them that
they let people know upfront.

Erin Foley
Circus World Museum
550 Water Street
Baraboo, WI  53913

608-356-8342, ext. 3283
fax 608-355-7959

----- Original Message -----
From: "Denman, Joan" <JDenman@WW2.FSU.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 3:08 PM
Subject: Email & Increased Research Requests

| In earlier emails, Rick Barry and Peter Hirsch, wondered if the example of
the Bentley Historical Library's three weeks delay in responding to
reference requests is portending the future. I think it is.

....It is becoming more apparent that numerous people expect your complete
collections to be online or for you to provide them with extensive research.
What is the experience of other repositories?
| --
| Joan E. Denman
| Senior Archivist &
| Archival Manager
| Institute on World War II
| & the Human Experience
| Department of History
| Florida State University
| Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200
| 850-644-9033
| Email: jdenman@ww2.fsu.edu
| Institute's Email: ww2@ww2.fsu.edu
| Institute's webpage: www.fsu.edu/~ww2

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