[B-Greek] Time Reference in Jn 6:16-21, Matt. 14:22-27, Mk 6:45-62

Elizabeth Kline kline_dekooning at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 4 15:22:35 EDT 2008

This paragraph is no worse than something you might find in Paul's  
letters. :-)
This is my second attempt to repair the syntax, my e-mail app seems to  
have it out for me today.

On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Elizabeth Kline wrote:

> The narratives Jn 6:16-21, Matt. 14:22-27, Mk 6:45-62 include to
> darkness but no references to daylight. If Jesus approached the boat
> while it was still dark we have yet another question left unanswered.
> How did the twelve see him?

The narratives Jn 6:16-21, Matt. 14:22-27, Mk 6:45-62 include  
*references* to darkness but no references to daylight.

Elizabeth Kline

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