[B-Greek] Teaching declensions

Carl W. Conrad cwconrad at artsci.wustl.edu
Thu Jun 12 20:55:36 EDT 2008

This message was almost surely meant for the list, although it was  
sent to the list-owner rather than to the list mail address.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kenneth Litwak <javajedi2 at yahoo.com>
> Date: June 12, 2008 4:26:14 PM EDT
> To: b-greek-owner at lists.ibiblio.org
> Subject: Teaching declensions
> Reply-To: javajedi2 at yahoo.com
> When I learned Greek, I was taught things like noun endings, e.g.,  
> os, ou, wi, on, e, in the second declension.  As I prepare to teach  
> a beginning Greek class in the Fall, I am wondering about two  
> things.  Is it really the case that the noun stem of LOGOS is LOGO  
> and the nom.s.mas. second declension ending is S rather than OS?   
> Second, is that really helpful to present the endings as S,O,I,N,  
> etc.?  I'm thinking that teaching students that a second declension  
> noun ends OS, OU, Wi, ON, E, etc. is far better, not least because  
> you can pronounce ON for purposes of practice, as opposed to only  
> N.  Any comments?  Thanks.
> Ken

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