[B-Greek] More Helma Dik on Greek word order

Carl W. Conrad cwconrad at artsci.wustl.edu
Mon Jun 16 05:58:58 EDT 2008

Although the word order of dialogue in Greek tragedy may seem  
tangential to the concerns of those whose focus is on the Koine of the  
Greek Bible, there's been some discussion of Helma Dik's previous work  
on Greek word order in Herodotus. There's now a new BMCR review of her  
2007 book entitled _Word Order in Greek Tragic Dialogue_. Although the  
review is not wholly favorable, it nevertheless attributes to the work  
a considerable importance. Most useful for our (B-Greekers')  
perspective is the review's account of Dik's categories and principles  
applied in analysis of Greek word order. Some may find this useful.  
The review may be accessed at:

= http://tinyurl.com/4mewue

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University (Ret)

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