
Vahniki, the reputed author of the Ramayana, v1.p120

Instructor of Iiama’s sons, v1.p124

Vaibashika, Buddhist school, v2.p239

Vaidehas, Hindu nation, explained as a caste, v1.p231

Vaisali, capital of Lichchhavis, v1.p284

Buddhist council at, v1.pp318–319

Vaisali, Lichchhavi clan at, v2.p27

Conquered by Magadha,, v2.p34

Vaishnavas, a sect of the Brahmans, v9.pp251–252

Vaishnavi, one of the “Seven Mothers” group of idols, v9.p181

Vaisya, the merchant caste of India, v1.p136, v9.p142, v9.p238, v9.pp241–242, v9.p251

Burn the bodies of the living, v9.p190

Duties of the, v9.pp241–242

Occupations of the, v1.pp232–233

Rise of the, v1.p84

Undivided in Philosophic period, v1.p232

Valabhi, council of, records the scriptures of the Svetambaras in writing about 457:67 A.D., v1.p325


Dynasty of, v2.p284

Raja of, v2.p301

Valerius Maximus, writes of suttee, v9.p74

Vali, king among the non-Aryans, v1.p121

Brother of Sugriva, v1.p121

Killed by Rama, v1.p121

Valle, Pietro della

Describes suttee, v9.pp81–87

Description of Ahmadabad by, v9.p294

Interviews a woman about to be burned with her husband, v9.pp83–87

Italian traveller in India, v4.p66, v4.p79, v4.p82, v4.p92, v4.p93

Van den Broeck, Dutch trade-director at Surat, v7.pp202–203

Vandewash, Fort of, taken by the English, v8.pp144–145

Varahamihira, extract from, regarding transmigration, v9.pp166–167

Varahi, one of the “Seven Mothers” group of idols, v9.p181

Varanavata, place of exile of the Pandava princes, v1.p103

Vardhamana = Mahavira, v2.p24, v2.p29

Varnish, origin of the name, v6.p22

Varthema, Ludovico di, travels of, v6.p38

Varuna, Hindu deity, v1.p20

The sky-god, v1.p63

Three hymns to, v1.pp63–65

An Aditya, v1.p69

Vasco da Gama reaches Malabar ports in 1498, v3.p183

Vasco da Gama, see Da Gama

Vasco da Gama, see Gama

Vasishtha, Hindu legislator, v1.p132, v1.p222

Dharmasastra of, translation from, v1.pp230–231

Vassakara, chief minister of Ajatasatru, v1.p299


(1) Kanva king, v2.p186

(2) Kushan king, v2.p242

Vasurnitra, Sunga king, v2.p183

Vatapi = Badami, Chalukya capital, v2.pp351–354

Vatteluttu alphabet, v6.p80

Vayu Purana, quotation from the, regarding places of pilgrimage, v9.pp191–194

Vayu, god of air, v1.p72

Purana, describes the beginnings of the caste system, v1.p135

Vedangas, v1.pp192–193

Vedanta philosophy, v1.pp270–273

Vedanta philosophy, known to Akbar, v4.p40


Compilation of, v1.pp86–86

Indexes of, v1.pp193–194

Four, studied by Brahmans, v9.p136, v9.p239

Vedic hymns

Age, Hindu Aryans a united body in, v1.p136

Period, v1.p4

Religion, decline of, v1.p86, v1.p274

Religion, reaction against, v1.pp274–276

Study of, v1.pp1–2

Vegetable food, v1.p21

Vellalars, see Wellala

Vengi, Pallava king of, v2.p253

Eastern Chalukya dynasty of, v2.p351, v2.p380


And the Syrian and Black Sea trade-routes, v6.p12, v6.pp16–19, v6.p37, v6.p167, v6.p208

Coalition of, with the Turks against Portugal to protect her Indian trade, v6.p95, v6.pp167–168

Decline of, v6.pp34–35

Establishes her Levant trade centre at Famagusta (1475), v6.p33

Makes peace with the Turks (1454), v6.p31

Offers to buy up all surplus Portuguese spices (1521), v6.p168

Pilots of, in Portugal, v6.p44

Rise of, as a trade centre, v8.p4

Ruins Genoa’s sea power, v6.p31

Secret commerce of, v6.p199

Struggles of, with the Moors and Turks, v6.pp31–32, v6.p34, v6.p199

Trade of, in Alexandria, v6.p30

Trade of, with England (1507), v6.p203, v6.pp208–209

Verazzani, explores for France (1524), v6.p194

Verde, Cape, islands

Portuguese exploration and trade with (1460), v6.p51

Taken as starting-point for the Papal demarcation line (1493), v6.p63, v6.p64, v6.p66


On the commerce of Bengal, v8.p178

Succeeds Lord Clive, v8.p219

Verholt, Dutch commander at Batavia, shows kindness to English, v7.p152

Verroneo, Geronimo, a Venetian, architect of the Taj Mahal, v4.p101

Versailles, comparison of Fathpur-Sikri with, v4.p30

Versailles, Peace of, v8.p155

Vervins, treaty of (1598), v6.p225

Vibhishana, brother of Ravana, v1.p122


Rise of kingdom of, v1.p82, v1.pp112–114

Most prominent kingdom of Northern India, v1.p114

Court of the, v1.p143

Vijaya, conquers Ceylon, v1.p207

Vijayanagar, army of, v2.p114


An Indian Christian acts as Prime Minister to the King of (1442), v6.p80

Boundaries of the kingdom of, v2.pp187–188

Capital of the kingdom of Vijayanagar, vainly besieged by the Bahmanid Sultan Mohammad I, v3.p189

Hindu kingdom of Southern India (1185–1565), v2.pp186–187, v6.p75, v6.p77

Hindu suzerainty of, destroyed, v7.p218

Pays tribute to the Bahmanid Sultan Firoz, v3.p190

Repeatedly conquered by the Bahmanids, v3.p101

Subjugation of, by the Mohammedans at the battle of Talikot, v6.p82

Vijayasena, Raja of Bengal, v2.p344

Vijjana, Kalachurya king, v2.p358

Vijnanesvara, jurist, v2.p358

Vikrama, Chola, king, v2.p380

Vikramaditya, title of Chandragupta II, v2.p14

I and II, Chalnkya kings, v2.p353

Vikramajit, a title, v4.p4

Vikramajit, Hindu raja, v3.p209

Vikramajit, raja of Gwalior, killed in battle with Babar, v5.p260

Vikramajit, raja of Ujjain image of, at Ujjain destroyed by Shams-ad-din Altamish, v5.p101

Vikramanka, Chalukya king, v2.p358

Vikramanka-charita, of Bilhana, v2.p18

Vilivayakura I and II, Andhra kings, v2.p190, v2.p192, v2.p381

Vimag, a fountain in Kashmir which is the source of the river Belaat, v5.p304

Vinaya Pitaka, record of minute rules for Buddhist monks and nuns, v1.p282

Vinaya, a Buddhist book, v9.p139

Vinayaka, son of Mahadeva, directions for constructing an idol of, v9.p181

Vindhya, a mountain range, v4.p151

Vindhya, mountains and tribes of, v2.p142

Vira SaIva, sect, v2.p359

Vira, a recurring name in Pandya royal family, v2.p369

Virata, king of, taught by the Pandava princes, v1.p108

Virgin, the Blessed, picture of, in Jahangir’s palace, v4.p66, v4.p133

Virginia, grant of James I to found, v7.p11

Virudhaka, king, v2.p34

Visala-deva, Chauhan raja of Ajmir, v2.p330

Vishimgopa, Pallava king, v2.p385

Vishnu directions for constructing an idol of, v9.pp178–179

Vishnu Purana, extracts from the, relating to the hells of the Hindus, v9.pp170–172


(1) deity, v2.p264

(2) Hoysala king, v2.p360

Vishnu, Dharma, extract from the, regarding transmigration, v9.p166

Vishnu, Hindu deity, v1.p11

An Aditya, v1.p69

Developed into a supreme deity, v1.pp70–71

Legends of, v1.p170

Vishnu, temple of, at Benares, v4.p145

Vishnugupta = Chanakya, v2.p40

Vishnupada, a sacred pond, v9.p191

Vishnuvardhana, Chalukya, v2.p387

Visiapur, a corrupt spelling of Bijapur, v4.p168


Hymn of, v1.p3

First a warrior, then a priest, v1.p37

Hymn of, to the rivers, v1.p49

Visvavara, woman of the Vedic period, v1.p54

Vivasvat, the rising sun, v1.p73

Volga, trade by the, v6.p14, v6.p182, v6.p221

Voltaire, leader of the anti-colonial party in France, v8.p151

Volunteers plentiful for the Holy War, v3.p25

Vonones, IndoshParthian king, v2.p206

Voyages, no prohibition against, in the Rig-Veda, v1.p20

Vratyas, v1.p171

Vrijjians, a Turanian tribe, v1.p298

Vritra slain by Indra, v1.p65

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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