
         (G)  /en6/ /en8/ TIME CODE: 07:30

        WAITPERSON and YANG RICHARD meet in area G.
        Waitperson is interrupted at some task or other.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Lovely view, isn't it?

                Pardon me?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Of the grounds.

                Oh.  Right, it is.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I know: you see the resort all the time.  Your
                senses are stale with habit.

                Not really.  I'm just too busy to notice
                it much of the time.

                        YANG RICHARD
                A sad state of affairs, nonetheless.

                I enjoy it when I can, believe me.  In
                fact, it's one of the best things about
                the job.  I grow arrugula in the herb

                        YANG RICHARD
                You often have weddings here?

                Quite a few.  Not usually so -- well,
                different as this one.

                        YANG RICHARD
                So unChristian, I suppose you mean to say.

                People don't usually write their own
                ceremonies, is what I mean.  It's usually
                the same old stuff, "Do you, George, take
                Laura" and all that.  I'm looking forward
                to what you've got planned actually.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Breaks the monotony?

                Sure.  Nothing wrong with that.

                        YANG RICHARD
                What's your name?


                        YANG RICHARD
                I'm Yang Richard.

                Nice to meet you.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Can you imagine a world in which no moment
                is monotonous?  Where every moment is fresh
                vision!  The eternal present tense!

                I can imagine it, I just wouldn't get
                my job done.

                        YANG RICHARD
                But what if your job was to make sure the
                world was fresh and born anew each day?

                I can't imagine someone paying me to do

                        YANG RICHARD
                Money, money, money.  It's the blinders
                on the culture.  In the Universal
                Church of Primitive Balance, you don't
                need money because you don't have a use
                for it.  What does money buy?  Food,
                shelter, material conveniences?  If
                these are provided, what use is money?

                You're telling me your church is communal,
                right?, that you share and share alike,
                something like that?

                        YANG RICHARD
                The Church owns many communal resorts, as
                well as private homes.

                Everyone gives their money to the Church?

                        YANG RICHARD
                It's the highest form of balance.


                        YANG RICHARD
                The primitive balance that puts all things
                in proper order and perspective.  We did
                not begin with Money, we humans.  We invented
                it -- think on that a moment ... we INVENTED it.
                Money does not exist, except that we deem it
                to exist!

         JACK sees WAITPERSON now and is gesturing, unseen to Yang Richard,
        for Brad/Brenda to join him in area F.

                Well, my landlord could care less if we
                invented it or not, he still needs his
                rent on the first.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Rent is shackles, is what I'm saying.
                Money is prison.

                Not much I can do about it -- nice talking
                to you, man.  Look forward to your wedding.

        He moves to join JACK in F.  /ex8/
         Yang Richard moves off, will join Cyndi in A. /ex6/
        TIME CODE: 09:00

?"Follow Waitperson" ?"Follow Yang Richard"

:"Follow Waitperson"
Follow Waitperson

:"Follow Yang Richard"
Follow Yang Richard