Campus Information Services

Campus Information Services: 1988-1998
The growth of the Web — VTX, Gopher, WWW, Audio/Video
Folders in Box 2.

Folder: Steering Committee

  • Meeting notes February 1, 1988 - August 29, 1988

    Primarily menu development and user testing.

Folder: INFO Notes Nov. 25, 1987- April 27, 1989

Folders: INFO Development 1988-1997

  • January 28, 1988, Information Clearinghouse, General Description

  • February 16, 1988: Daily Tar Heel, "Computer network to relay campus-wide information," see attached pdf file, dth1988feb16.pdf

  • April 25, 1988: Memorandum to Deans, Directors, and Daprtment Heads, Subject: Campus-Wide Information Center. Request for data.

  • May 4, 1988: Newsbrief No. 308, "Campus Information Center Planned," see attached pdf file, nb308.pdf

  • August 2, 1988: Info Personnel Requirements

  • August 17, 1988: Newsbrief No. 323, "ACS Implements Info System For UNC," data available includes: The Resource Handbook, calendar section from the Gazette, several university newsletters, the brochure "Facts & Information."

  • August 17, 1988: News release: "Free computerized information service offers up-to-theminute campus data"

  • September 2, 1988: Daily Tar Heel, "Computer system to provide students with Campus Info"

  • September 15, 1988: News and Observer, "Electronic orientation introduced"

  • October 29, 1988: Compufest '88: Handout and 24 screens from the demo, see a few menus in the attached pdf menus1988.pdf

  • April 19, 1989: Daily Tar Heel, "Campus INFO enters into computer age"

  • April 1989: Submitting Material to Info, Document G-019-1

  • May 13, 1989: Dedication Ceremony, Visitors Center, The Morehead Building -- Tours of the facility and a demonstration of the INFO system also will be offered, see attached pdf file, VisitorCenter.pdf

  • September 1989: Using Info, Document G-020-1

  • October 1989: Presentation at UNC CAUSE -- outline and screens displayed

  • November 1989: "How to Connect to Info," ACS How-to Sheet H-002-0

  • January 30, 1990: Article in the University Gazette, centerfold, "Info--the best campus planning tool available," screens show how to look at jobs

  • The pages used to make the Info posters

  • October 4, 1990: "How to Connect to Info," ACS How-to Sheet H-002-1

  • March 13, 1991: Email message to the list ncvtx-l@ncsuvm describing how we got started and what it takes to get data. I particularly like: "Can you imagine looking for a job in another state through such a system, and then perhaps checking the housing market in the town of your choice?" See attached pdf file email1991mar13.pdf

  • July 8, 1991: News from Appalachian, Special to CAUSE Publications, "Campus Information System Becoming Statewide Project." Appalachian, UNC-Chapel Hill, NCSU, UNC-Wilmington, and UNC-Greensboro share information through a statewide network. "As far as we know, we are the only state that has a direct connection between institution within the state..."

  • December 1992: What's new in Info, a list of Newsbrief articles about changes to Info, from August 1988.

  • August 1993: Info Reference Manual, version 2.0, describes the information in the database, who provides the data and instructions for updating and adding new sections, 32 pages
    Sections include: Getting files into Mac Word, working with files from an IBM PC, file from Pagemaker, removing special characters from Word files, uploading files, special highlighting commands (.bo for bold), VTX page numbers, VTX/UPD, updating the campus directory, WAIS

  • November 29, 1994: UNC-Chapel Hill home page, see attached pdf homepage1994nov29.pdf

  • December 14, 1994: The University Gazette, "University worldwide info only a computer away," Info becomes part of a new system that features a "home page" that will serve as an introduction and entry point to all of Carolina's infomration services. Includes a graphic of the home page, using Mosaic.

  • Spring 1995: Preparation for new Web server, Ra, moving from usit

  • August 20, 1995: Announcement to Campus Support list from Linwood Futrelle, "... effective August 23, OIT can now provide space for personal home pages for UNC student, faculty, and staff, as well as departments and organizations. Detailed instructions for using this system are found online."

  • September 12, 1995: Report on gopher processes on Convex.

  • February 7, 1996: UNC-Chapel Hill home page, see attached pdf homepage1996feb07.pdf

  • May 8, 1996: Announcement of removal of gopher services from the Convex ( and Includes the usit gopher menu.

  • August 7, 1996: The University Gazette, "New home page offers easier access to information," see attached pdf homepage1996aug07.pdf of the new home page

  • August 27, 1996: Daily Tar Heel, "Personal web pages showcase students"

  • November 18, 1996: email to Web-Walkers and Support lists, "UNC-CH Web History

  • January 10, 1997: Daily Tar Heel, "Spinning UNC's web," Hallman personal profile, see attached pdf article1997jan10.pdf

Folder: Menus

  • 4/7/88: The complete set of menus used for the pilot test (41 pages)

  • A few copies of the menu structure that was taped to the wall, with handwritten VTX page numbers on it.

Folder: Poster

The pages used to create the INFO poster: see the attached files info-poster-1.jpg, info-poster-2.jpg, and info-poster-3.jpg.

Folder: Student Government

Correspondence with Michael Thomas and the statment of purpose and plans for the Information Technology Task Force, 1994-95 aimed at bringing students in better touch with the computing resources of the University. It includes a section on getting student organizations online.

Folder: Terminals

Information about the INFO terminals, location (Student Union, Manning Lobby, Phillips Hall outside the computer area, Wilson Library reception area, South Building lobby, Davis Library, Undergraduate Library, Vance Hall, Rosenau Hall, and the Morehead Planatarium Visitor Center - Spring 1992), maintenance, and plans to upgrade.

Folder: Kill INFO

June 1994 - April 1996: The transition from VTX (on the DEC VAX), through gopher (on the Convex, Gibbs), to the Web — terminals (particularly Administrative Data Processing IBM 3270s), network, email correspondence, system change notices.
October 11, 1994: Handout Internet Exploring, covering ftp, gopher basics, news groups, interesting places to go.

Folder: New Home Page

Meeting notes and planning information for redesigning the home page, starting November 9, 1995. The Febraury 7, 1996 notes include a summary of e-mail to February 21, 1996: Development of a missions statement for the Campus Web. May 31, 1996: Rewriting policies and Procedures, search option, statistics. June 14, 1996: Working on a page for the "Office of the Chancellor." June 12, 1996: Schedules for home page and for policies, guidelines, and procedures, including approval by University Legal Counsel. June 28, 1996: email with blind copies to about 200 campus web information coordinators with about new home page and policies and procedures.

Folder: New Home

  • New home page for August 5, 1996.

  • Looking at policies and procedures, how will requirements be enforced, is it time to transfer answering email to from ITS to University Relations?

  • July 11, 1996: Daily Tar Heel, "Improved Web Page Design Offers Quicker, Easier Access to Campus Internet 'Surfers'" — includes "ATNS began a series of open working sessions in February to plan the new home page."

  • Email messages with comments and suggestions regarding the new home page.

  • A little bit on Search.

  • Development of the Gazette article

  • Implementation plan

  • June 28, 1996 article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "Democracy and Decenty on the Internet" (photocopy)

Folders: Ra Overview of contents

  • Meetings, planning, status, and other notes for the information system server called Ra.

  • Development of policies and procedures.

  • Some user documentation.

  • List of information online with information coordinator.

  • Formation of ATN Web Services Task Force.

A few specifics

  • September 1994: Starting to plan to split UNIX services over different processors. All were running on the Convex 3840. Email has been moved to isis. Now planning an information system server.

  • December 1994: Machine has been named Ra. Jim Murrell and Martin Feinstein are the Ststem Administrative team for Ra.

  • March 1995: Planning software and services

  • June 1995: "UNC-CH World Wide Web Policies and Procedure," printout of all the Web pages, draft, "The policies are being defined as the first step toward the implementation of a new information server machine, called Ra."

  • August 1995: "Creating WWW Pages at UNC-CH," on Ra, OIT Services handout.

  • August 1995: Transferring DTH files to Ra.

  • August 1995: Split command and UNIX commands for splitting up the vendor phones file.

  • December 1995: "UNC-CH Web Information Coordinators," 22-page printout of file identifying the people responsible for information in the campus web. Contains some stats on Home Directories and Personal Home Pages:

    • August 22, 1995: only staff/development directories and home pages

    • September 5, 1995: 800 home directories and 200 home pages

    • October 5, 1995: 1,546 home directories and 345 home pages

    • December 1, 1995: 2,254 home directories and 588 home pages

  • February 1996: Problems getting group ids set up.

  • February 1996: Page counter software, gform, and statistics.

  • January 21, 1997: Draft "University-wide Information Technology Priorities for FY 97-98," Bill Graves, Chief Information Officer (Interim)

  • March 17, 1997: "University-wide Information Technology Priorities for FY 97-98," Bill Graves, Chief Information Officer (Interim)

  • June 24, 1997: Memorandum: Web Task Force Charge and Invitation to Serve, Jeanne Smythe, Director for Academic Applications and Systems, ATN

  • February 19, 1998: "Real Audio/Video at UNC-Chapel Hill," James Ervin

  • August 7, 1998: "Proposal for new ATN service: RealMedia Server," Mark C. McCarthy

article1997jan10.pdf196.01 KB
dth1988feb16.pdf349.27 KB
email1991mar13.pdf761.05 KB
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homepage1996feb07.pdf452.54 KB
menus1988.pdf145.76 KB
nb308.pdf402.53 KB
VisitorCenter.pdf358.43 KB
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