1995-06-21: Conversion tools and HTML 3.0

Summary of June 21 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of June 21 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 15:02:57 -0400
From: Judy Hallman 
To: web-walkers@gibbs.oit.unc.edu
Subject: Summary of June 21 Web-Walkers meeting

To Web-Walkers:

Summary of June 21, 1995 meeting on Conversion tools and HTML 3.0
[Thanks to Bob Schreiner for his notes.]

I headed up this presentation.

Status of Ra

The machine is onsite but not online.
Need to develop policies and procedures before bringing it online.
Policies and procedures are now drafted and in the Web under "About the
UNC-CH Home Page" and then "Help for information providers
(http://www.unc.edu/about/provider/provider.html)." I would
appreciate comments and suggestions.

Conversion aids

These are online in the Help for information providers section -- at

I described how I convert the University Gazette from PageMaker to
HTML -- by exporting the entire file at once to MS Word on the Mac
and then reordering the articles.

DAVE looks promising. Maria Winslow (OIT student) is looking into this.

I described how to use the split program Maria Winslow wrote. You can
upload your document to the www.unc.edu machine (currently
usit.oit.unc.edu) and run it there or get a copy of the C code for your
own machine. Besides splitting a large file into small files and linking
them together, it builds a table of contents in the index.html file.
See the Gazette for an example at http://www.unc.edu/pubs/gaz/cur/.

Mary Overby said that ADP had developed perl scripts that work much the
same way.

I also showed the rtftohtml conversion program.

HTML 3.0

We briefly discussed HTML 3.0. HTML 3.0 is still evolving and
changing. Features such as tables, figures, mathematical equations,
and stylesheets are in development. Tables done for Netscape 1.1
don't work for Lynx.

We wondered how long we will have to support Lynx.


Michael Brady, IOG

Ann Brookhart, Housing

Andy Broughton, SOWO

Kristin Chaffin, IOG

Kathleen Crook, Sheps Center

Nancy Doyle, ADP/Registrar

Susan Dunn, IOG

Elizabeth Evans, CPC

Judy Hallman, OIT

Elizabeth Hamilton, Highway Safety

Freb Hunt, Anesthesiology

Chad Kearsley, English Dept./IAT

J.J. Kim, Social Work

Bari Lawhorn, Housing

Tim Murphy, Dentistry

Bob Norwood, ADP

Mary Overby, OIT

Marilyn Penrod, IOG

Jon Pishney, IAT

Tom Rutledge, OIT

Bob Schreiner, SPH

Blake Weiler, Ecology

Lisa Wright, IOG

Judy Hallman (judy_hallman@unc.edu)

Office of Information Technology


To the UNC
Home Page

Last modified:
1995 Jul 14

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