1995-08-16: Policies and procedures

Summary of August 16 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of August 16 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 13:39:38 -0400
From: Judy Hallman 
To: web-walkers@gibbs.oit.unc.edu
Subject: Summary of August 16 Web-Walkers meeting

To Web-Walkers:

Summary of August 16 meeting on Web policies and procedures

[Thanks to Tiffany Davis for her notes.]

I headed up this presentation.

I displayed some of the policies and procedures that are online,
under "About the UNC-CH Home Page" and then "Help for information
providers," at http://www.unc.edu/about/provider/.

We reviewed the "Creating World Wide Web Pages at UNC-CH"
document -- responsibility, guidelines for personal home pages,
multiple personal home pages, and procedures for getting started on

Reviewing group Web pages, we discussed "Guidelines for e-mail
generated from Web pages
." There was considerable discussion of e-

Should groups be required to respond to e-mail from Web pages
within a certain time period? No -- no way to enforce it.

The document recommends having a group e-mail address of
groupid@unc.edu aliased to one person in the department. There are
some problems associated with this. For one thing, we recommend
logging messages and those logs will come out of the disk space quota
for the personal userid, not the group's disk space, the way things
are set up now. OIT needs to look at options -- like saving e-mail on
Ra so the space comes out of the group's quota.

It was recommended that the mailer (cgi-script) automatically reply
to the sender; notifying the sender that the message was received
and validating the e-mail address. Further information will be sent to
the web-walkers list.

Another recommendation involved having mail go to a Web database,
then folks could use Netscape or lynx to read the mail and a form to
respond to it.

With regard to getting a group id on Ra (and similarly, for getting a
link set up to the campus home page), there was concern about the
need to send the request on paper (letterhead). People should be
able to do this electronically.

There was objection to the statement "The Information Coordinator
takes editorial responsibility for ensuring compliance with the laws
of the US, and the State of North Carolina, the standards of conduct
(for students, faculty, and staff) of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, and for conveying these responsibilities to contributors."
It places too much responsibility on the Information Coordinator and
implies that they would be legally responsible. The statement needs
to be softened and the laws need to be spelled out. I took the section

A cgi-script that automatically updates date-last-modified was
suggested. Further information will be sent to the web-walkers list.

We reviewed my proposed changes to some of the high level campus
Web pages.

The group agreed that I should remove non-campus items from
within campus pages; the information under the buttons on the Home
Page should be campus information, except for one button that goes
off campus. There was considerable discussion about the name for
that button. We agreed to use "External Web Resources" for now. At
some later time, we might want to move "Sites related to UNC-CH"
from "External Web Resources" to the Home Page.

The addition of text to the home page describing the content of the
sections was approved. It was pointed out that I should add the DTH
and Gazette to the Publications description (done); similarly, add
SunSITE to the External Resources description (done).

Changes were suggested for the "External Web Resources" page and
these have been made (added "Raleigh" in front of "News &
Observer," took out link to "Office of State Personnel Job Vacancies"
adding to North Carolina State Government that that page provides a
link to "Office of State Personnel Job Vacancies", changed "Other
Favorite Web Sites" to "Other Useful Web sites.).

It was noted that:

People think that "Welcome to the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill" is a heading and don't know that it's clickable.

Some people only see the image map. It fits the screen so nicely that
they don't know there is anything below it. It was recommended that
we add a clickable at the top of the page to go down to the text
portion; that would make people realize that there IS a text portion.

The proposed method for removing existing non-campus info from
campus pages was approved -- for example "ACADEME THIS WEEK
has been moved to the Academics section of External Web
Resources; this notice will be removed September 5, 1995."

Folks felt OK about " Recreation, events, and calendars" as the header,
but suggested adding to the items how often the calendar is
published; this has NOT been done.

One editorial change has not been made yet. It was suggested that
we change "link into" to "link from;" for example, one would request
a link from the campus Web to a group's Web page.


Tom Black, Univ. Reg.

Andy Broughton, SOWO

Tom Bowers, JOMC

Kathleen Crook, Sheps Center

Tiffany Davis, SOE

Nancy Doyle, Registrar/ADP

Pam, Dutcher, Davis Library Reference

Lynn Eades, HSL

Elizabeth Evans, Carolina Pop Ctr

Brian Flynn, Nursing

Judy Hallman, OIT

Doris Jarrell, OIT

Chad Kearsley, IAT/Engl. Dept.

Bob Kessler, Dept. of Chem.

J.J. Kim, SOWO

Amy Kreiling, Comp Sci

Joanne Kucharski, Univ. Registrar

Pat Mullin, Academic Affairs Library

Greg O'Rear, ADP

Jason W. Purdy, Independent

Gary Pattillo, Davis Library Reference

Brenda Roberts, ADP

Derek Rodriguez, Academic Affairs Library

Bob Stepno, JOMC

Mike Thomas, Univ. Registrar

Cheryl Ward, CPC

Michael G. Williams, Student Government

Judy Hallman (judy_hallman@unc.edu)

Office of Information Technology


To the UNC
Home Page

Last modified:
1995 Aug 31

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