1996-02-14: audiences, topics for each audience, and mission

Summary of February 14 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of February 14 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 11:32:29 -0500

From: Judy Hallman (hallman at gibbs.oit.unc.edu)

To: web-walkers at unc.edu

Subject: Summary of Feb. 14 meeting on planning a new home page

To Web-Walkers:

Next meeting: February 21, 1996, 3:00 pm, 209 Manning: Planning a new
home page for UNC-CH

Topic: Outline new Home Page

NOTE: There will NOT be a meeting February 28

Summary of February 14 meeting on planning a new home page for UNC-CH.
This summary will be posted at

ADP-SI has started a prototype at http://www.adp.unc.edu/sis/unchome.html

We worked from a list (see below) I put together, based on e-mail from Libby
Evans, Lynne Neill, and Penny Ward. Several additions were suggested.
They are marked with * in the list below.

The bulk of the list is for visitors. There are "Things we want to
promote" that aren't necessarily things people are looking for. Some are
at the end of the list.

The campus Web's mission statement needs refinement and a link to the
University's mission statement. We'll work on that separately.

Questions were raised about links to commercial services. Does a
link mean University endorsement? Guidelines are needed. There is an
existing policy regarding housing in a "faculty relocation" document.
Hallman suggested that commercial services could be linked to from the
community service (http://RTPnet.org) and the University could direct
people to RTPnet.

Although Student Stores cannot put a catalog online, there should be some
information about where/how poeple can buy products with UNC-CH logos.

There was discussion about putting links to personal pages in for Alumni.
Alumni personal pages should probably be treated the same as University
faculty, staff, and student pages. See http://www.colorado.edu/userpages/
(suggested by Kay Stanley). [Included at the end of this message.]

Libby Evans noted that it would be a good idea to test a draft of the new
home page to see if the audiences we target can find the info they are
looking for. Libby agreed to head up a task force to do design the testing.

Indexing will be very important in helping people find the information
they need.

We digressed to the Departments and organizations page. Some of the
problems (Business School listed under K for Kenan; Health Services
research under S for Sheps...) are corrected by a revision Hallman was
working on. The group had some additional suggestions for the revised page
and agreed to replace the existing page with the revised page. This has
been done.

Hallman pointed out the public service value of "ask-an-expert" services,
like Tom Hocking, Education Coordinator, Morehead Planetarium, has
started using a moderated, state-wide newsgroup, nc.ask-an-astronomer.
Hallman would like to see many more similar services provided by Duke,
NCSU, NC Central, and local corporations, as well as UNC-Chapel Hill.
RTPnet provides a public focal point for such services at

The assignment for the next meeting is to outline the new home page.
Send drafts to judy_hallman at unc.edu.

UNC-CH World Wide Web audiences and what they're looking for

February 14, 1996, Judy Hallman (judy_hallman at unc.edu)

Thanks to Libby Evans, Lynne Neill, and Penny Ward for their lists

ADP-SI prototype at http://www.adp.unc.edu/sis/unchome.html



The mission of the UNC-CH World Wide Web service is to provide a
comprehensive source of information about the University for
future employees and students, and to be a point of contact
between the University and its multiple internal and external
audiences and constituencies. It is the entry point through which
individuals around the world "visit" the campus.


Prospective students

High school students looking for a college

College students seeking to transfer

College students looking at graduate and professional programs

Prospective Summer School students

*Continuing eduation students

Looking at:

Tuition and fees

Degrees offered

*Faculty and faculty credentials

*General College education requirements program

Ranking of departments, stats, security

Scholarships, esp. sports

Housing and potential roommates

High school and community college guidance counselors helping
select colleges

Parents of potential students

Applicants (student)

Admissions application form

Financial aid form

Inquire about the status of an application

Inquire about the status of a financial aid application

Prospective faculty and staff

Looking at job openings, benefits, local community information,

local statistics (housing costs)

Alumni for

Finding out where to donate money

Finding out about other alumni

Finding out about their former dept/professors

Sports info


*Another diploma


Parents, family, and friends of UNC-CH students, faculty, and staff

Media/reporters -- looking for news releases, position statement, recent speeches; people contacts for current stories; campus reports, publications and statistics

General public that uses University Hospitals

People coming to town, looking for maps, looking for places to go and things to see and do, tours; checking the weather, transportation, hotels, churches

People on campus at public terminals looking for maps, looking for places to go and things to see and do, tours; checking the weather, transportation, hotels, churches

Teachers bringing classes to campus -- preparing their agendas and plans

Students looking for summer camps (sports, music) and summer
programs -- like Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
Program (http://www.med.unc.edu/pmbb/sure.htm)

Corporations -- current donors/partnerships; potential donors/partnerships

Adults looking for continuing education opportunities

People looking for books and other resources in the campus libraries

(NC) citizens in general; surfing the net; looking for fun stuff (eg. Ackland, Morehead, Botanical Garden, etc); citizens checking on their tax dollars

Looking for info about the University -- where is it, what does it look like, who's in charge (and what are there credentials/interests), mission, school songs, photos, logos, maps of campus and town, current goals and projects, potential speakers, activities in a particular part of the state (for someone giving a presentation wanting local specifics)

*Looking for other UNC campuses

NC Legislators

Board of Trustees




*State agencies

*Federal government


Business Community

Sports fans around the world

People looking to buy T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc.

People looking for phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, URL's, and other contact info for individuals, departments, projects, research

People looking for publications done by UNC-CH people, including theses and dissertations

Researchers/businesses looking for people on our campus involved in a specific area of research

People needing medical help ("UNC-CH has a school of medicine; maybe somebody there knows about my disease/symptoms/etc")

"Ask-an-expert" services -- see Columbia's health service, Go Ask Alice, at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/healthwise/alice.html, and Tom Hocking's newsgroup nc.ask-an-astronomer -- http://www.RTPnet.org/ask.html

Online-subject oriented discussion groups (newgroups)

Other universities for comparison purposes

*Looking for information about the Internet and World Wide Web; for example, how to find people on the Internet; see the section provided by Electronic Services, Davis Library, at http://sunsite.unc.edu/reference/internet/

Accreditation organizations (???)

UNC-CH Campus


Graduate and professional student




Announcements/alerts and special events -- anything important I need to know about?

Looking for phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, URL's, and other contact info for individuals, departments, projects, research

Looking for jobs

Looking for places to go and things to see and do; checking the weather

What's going on in the outside world

Campus news

Academic information

Looking for personal info -- student grades, student bill, and possibly wanting to update -- URL of home page, e-mail address.

Looking for grant and funding opportunities

Looking for health and safety information

Student organizations

Employee forum info

Faculty Council info

User Groups -- Web-Walkers, SAS, ...

Campus resources

Policies and procedures

Online consultation -- ask an expert, psychological counseling (see Uncle Ezra at Cornell, http://www.cornell.edu/Dialogs/EZRA.html)

Night-life/activities/events in the local area


Ride boards

Things we want to promote

Public Service Round Table

Strengths in instruction


Conferences on campus, or sponsored by people on our campus

International newsletters originating on our campus -- International Dimensions (International Medicine) (http://www.unc.edu/pubs/newslet/id/)

Librarian's Datebook (http://www.hsl.unc.edu/libcal96.html)

Ackland, Botanical Gardens, Morehead Planetarium (http://www.RTPnet.org/~dataman), PlayMakers and Outdoor Drama (http://www.unc.edu/depts/outdoor/index.htm)

Home Pages for classes???


Home Pages

These listings represent all users with home pages on Computing and

Network Services' WWW servers (spot, stripe, ucsu, ucsub, rintintin).

Faculty, staff and student home pages are included. Other users' home

pages may be found under Colleges and Schools, Department Listings,

Other Academic Programs, and Research Institutes and Centers.

Disclaimer: Because the University of Colorado at Boulder recognizes

the value of personal publishing on the Internet, students, staff, and

faculty are encouraged to produce personal WWW pages. However, the

University cannot accept responsibility for the contents of those


The personal home pages of University of Colorado at Boulder students,

staff, and faculty do not in any way constitute official University

content, but we hope you find the information in them useful, or at

least entertaining. The views and opinions expressed in the individual

home pages are strictly those of the page authors. Comments on the

contents of those pages should be directed to the page authors.

[1]Full Index of CNS User HomePages

[2]Spot.Colorado.EDU User HomePages

[3]Stripe.Colorado.EDU User HomePages

[4]Ucsu.Colorado.EDU User HomePages

[5]Ucsub.Colorado.EDU User HomePages

[6]Rintintin.Colorado.EDU User HomePages

Documentation for [7]constructing your own home page on a CNS system.

Here is a [8]listing of tools to help with HTML authoring.


Deb Aikat, JOMC, daikat at email.unc.edu

Andy Arnold, History, andyaba at email.unc.edu

Peggy Berryhill, Graduate School, grpob.ors at mhs.unc.edu

Stuart Bethune, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, stuart_bethune at unc.edu

Tom Bowers, JOMC, tom_bowers at unc.edu

Kathy Edwards, OIT, kathy_edwards at unc.edu

Elizabeth A. Evans, CPC, evans at unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Erika Grams, WUNC/History, erika at email.unc.edu

Marybeth Grinnan, Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu

Trey Harris, OIT, trey at unc.edu

Bob Kessler, Chemistry, bob_kessler at unc.edu

Rick Kinney, ADP, rek.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Tong Liu, CPC, tongliu at xerxes.cpc.unc.edu

Michael McFarland, University Relations, not connected yet!

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Roger Nelsen, Alumni Association, roger_nelsen at unc.edu

Jackie Nelson, UADM, jnelson at email.unc.edu

Regina Oliver, GAA, regina_oliver at unc.edu

Greg O'Rear ADP, jgo.systems at mhs.unc.edu

Gary Pattillo, Davis Library, pattillo at email.unc.edu

Jim Sadler, Health Affairs, jim_sadler at unc.edu

Kathy Thomas, OIT, kathy_thomas at unc.edu

Amber Vogel, ORD, ottotwo at email.unc.edu

Judy Hallman (judy_hallman at unc.edu, http://www.unc.edu/~hallman)

Office of Information Technology