1996-02-21: Draft home page

Summary of February 21 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of February 21 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 09:53:37 -0500

From: Judy Hallman (hallman at gibbs.oit.unc.edu)

To: web-walkers at unc.edu

Subject: Summary of Feb. 21 meeting on planning a new home page

To Web-Walkers:

NOTE: There will NOT be a meeting February 28

Next meeting: Wednesday, March 6, 1996, 3:00 pm, 209 Manning: Planning a
new home page for UNC-CH

Topic: Continue development of the new Home Page

Summary of February 21 meeting on planning a new home page for UNC-CH.
This summary will be posted at

We looked at a prototype ADP-SI started at
, a draft I prepared, and the home
pages for a few campuses, particularly Duke (http://www.duke.edu/) and
Chicago (http://www.uchicago.edu). The group particularly liked the
Chicago page. I will use that as a guide, along with other suggestions, to
draft a new home page (text only). We can review and improve it
electronically before the March 6 meeting.


Will Allen, Undergrad - Comp. Sci., ugallen at email.unc.edu

Margaret Balcom, Gazette, mpbalcom at email.unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Erika Grams, WUNC/History, erika at email.unc.edu

Marybeth Grinnan, UNC Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu

Bob Kessler, Chemistry, bob_kessler at unc.edu

Tong Liu, CPC, tongliu at xerxes.cpc.unc.edu

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Roger Nelsen, Alumni Association, roger_nelsen at unc.edu

Jim Sadler, Health Affairs, jim_sadler at unc.edu

Judy Hallman (judy_hallman at unc.edu, http://www.unc.edu/~hallman)

Office of Information Technology