1996-03-06: Establish items for new home page

Summary of March 6 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of March 6 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 12:07:39 -0500

From: Judy Hallman <hallman at gibbs.oit.unc.edu>

To: web-walkers at unc.edu

Subject: Summary of March 6 meeting on planning a new home page

To Web-Walkers:

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 3, 1996, 3:00 pm, 209 Manning:
Planning a new home page for UNC-CH

Topic: Reports from the subcommittees

Summary of March 6 meeting on planning a new home page for UNC-CH.

This summary will be posted at

After much discussion, we arrived at the following choices for
the UNC-CH Home Page.

  • News of the day
  • Academics and research
  • Admissions
  • Alumni
  • Campus information
  • Libraries
  • Student information

A bar at the bottom will provide

Directories        Search        Comments        Help 

The disclaimer will appear only on the Home Page (not in the bar) and was
moved to the bottom of the page.

The text of the new home page is at http://www.unc.edu/newhome/.

We set up the following groups:

Design: home page, home page graphics, "top of page" graphics, bars,
buttons, "return to home page" button

Kathy Thomas, OIT, kdt at email.unc.edu -- leader

Margaret Balcom, Univ. Rel., mpbalcom at email.unc.edu

Frank DiMauro, Med. Ctr. Pub. Affairs, fadim at med.unc.edu

Marybeth Grinnan, UNC Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu

Vicki Lonell, ADP, val.admin at mhs.unc.edu

News of the day

Mike McFarland, News Services, mcnews at email.unc.edu

Academics and research

Howard Fried, Biochemistry, refried at email.unc.edu

Bob Kessler, Chemistry, bob_kessler at unc.edu



Paula Carson, SIS Office, plc.our at mhs.unc.edu -- leader

Peggy Berryhill, Graduate School, grpob.ors at mhs.unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Rick Kinney, ADP, rek.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu


Roger Nelsen, Alumni Assoc., roger_nelsen at unc.edu

Campus information

Marybeth Grinnan, UNC Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu -- leader

Margaret Balcom, Univ. Rel., mpbalcom at email.unc.edu

Frank DiMauro, Med. Ctr. Pub. Affairs, fadim at med.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu


Gary Pattillo, Academic Affairs Library, pattillo.davis at mhs.unc.edu

Tim Pyatt, Wilson Library, tpyatt at email.unc.edu

Student information

Paula Carson, SIS Office, plc.our at mhs.unc.edu -- leader

Peggy Berryhill, Graduate School, grpob.ors at mhs.unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Rick Kinney, ADP, rek.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu

The groups will pick times and places for meetings that are convenient
for current members of the group, but will announce meetings to
web-walkers at unc.edu so that others who are interested my participate.

The next Web-Walkers meeting will be April 3, to allow the groups time to
do their work.


Margaret Balcom, Univ. Rel., mpbalcom at email.unc.edu

Peggy Berryhill, Graduate School, grpob.ors at mhs.unc.edu

Paula Carson, SIS Office, plc.our at mhs.unc.edu

Frank DiMauro, Med. Ctr. Pub. Affairs, fadim at med.unc.edu

Kathy Edwards, OIT, kathy_edwards at unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Howard Fried, Biochemistry, refried at email.unc.edu

Marybeth Grinnan, UNC Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu

Bob Kessler, Chemistry, bob_kessler at unc.edu

Rick Kinney, ADP, rek.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Vicki Lonell, ADP, val.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Roger Nelsen, Alumni Assoc., roger_nelsen at unc.edu

Gary Pattillo, Academic Affairs Library, pattillo.davis at mhs.unc.edu

Tim Pyatt, Wilson Library, tpyatt at email.unc.edu

Kathy Thomas, OIT, kdt at email.unc.edu

Judy Hallman (judy_hallman at unc.edu, http://www.unc.edu/~hallman)

Office of Information Technology