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Cover page of Basinwide Assessment Report - Cape Fear

Basinwide Assessment Report - Cape Fear, Water Quality Section, Division of Water Quality, NC DENR (June 1999).

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344 page report (WARNING: very large file size may crash older computers) presenting a water quality assessment of the Cape Fear river basin based on work done by the NC Division of Water Quality and other investigators.

Commentary from EcoAccess community

Scanned in PDF (i.e. graphics are bitmaps) results in very large file size and limits utility of this document. Some images are of poor quality because of bitmap format. Future editions should include images as vector graphics instead of bitmap graphics.

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Date acquired: 2002-05-26

PDF = Portable Document Format (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader)

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Last update: 2002/05/28 11:54 GMT-4

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