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How can I control the mosquitoes in my yard without spraying?
Deny them habitat by removing any sources of standing water. If you have a pond, introduce mosquito-eating fish. Consider buying a device that emits carbon dioxide and heat. For more information, see A North Carolina Summer Pest: The Asian Tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus.

Where does my drinking water come from?
If you live in North Carolina's Triangle, your drinking water comes mainly from man-made reservoirs. Every year, your water utility company should send you a Consumer Confidence Report concerning your water supply and quality. For more information, see the EcoAccess Water Quality Handbook.

What is global warming?
Global warming is an increase in average temperatures around the world that scientists are measuring. Scientists are unsure how hot the Earth will get and what the consequences will be. For more information, see the EPA's Global Warming Site.

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