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Re: MVP and Organic

Replying to Paul,
The article below suggests that  Connecticut has had some problems  in
the research and organic area. The standards set by NOP would be more
useful and forceful if  they were easily accessed rather than  a
confusing maze. More easy and open circulation of NOP standards would
eliminate careless or unethical misrepresentations on behalf of industry.
UConn research group under investigation

(Storrs-AP) -- A research group at the University of Connecticut is
under fire after two new state reports alleged workers there falsified
and manipulated scientific data.

The Hartford Courant reports that a probe of the Environmental Research
Institute found significant mismanagement the group's former director,
George Hoag.

A report by Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says Hoag neglected his
duties by working thousands of hours on private consulting work.

A separate investigation by the university found unethical practices in
the organics lab.

UConn said data collected during tests of soil, air and water samples
between January 2000 and April 2002 had been manipulated intentionally.

Institute employees may face disciplinary action by the university.

The UConn police department is also conducting a criminal investigation
into ERI's activities. They're being assisted by the FBI, the EPA and
the state's attorney's office.
2003 Associated Press.
Sincerely, Joe Cummins

Paul McKenzie wrote:

Joe et. al.,

You raise an important point about the apparently erroneous posting on
the University of Connecticut website.  However, I suspect it is simply
an honest mistake regarding a somewhat confusing subject.  As an
Extension Agent and member of the university community, I have found
most Extension Specialists and Agents to be hard-working, honest,
dedicated professionals who do their best to get accurate information to
their clients.

Paul McKenzie

P.S.  As a newcomer to this list, I would find it helpful if folks would
include more detailed signatures in their postings (mine is listed

joe cummins wrote:

Hi Chuck,
Thanks a million for clearing up the MVP question in organic


Is there an effort in the University  community to spread disinformation
on organics with the goal of forcing acceptance of GM products?  Or are
the "authorities" in US  universities so ill informed that there
opinions are of no value?


Paul G. McKenzie, Horticulture Agent
NCSU College of Ag & Life Sciences
NC Cooperative Extension, Durham County Center
721 Foster St., Durham, NC  27701
Tel: 919.560.0526  Fax:  919.560.0530


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