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Re: [SANET-MG] BBC NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Researchers hail organic potatoes

Jean Ristaino wrote:

> I am reading your comments and am wondering where you are going
> with this.

Toward biocontrol of Phytophthora using the beneficial fungus
Pisolithus Tinctorius, which produces substances with antibiotic
activity contra Phytophthora, according to sources I found in
Medline (if I recall - I was using Uncover, I believe), a biomedical
database, in 1998. (I don't have the details on this computer).

> Who is Katherine Marsh?

Both Katherine Marsh and I have subscribed to the Sustainable
Agriculture Network Discussion Group (SANET) for many years.
SANET is funded by SARE and has about 1000 subscribers, including
many academics. Dr. Joel Gruver (who was at NCSU if I recall), also
subscribes, for instance.

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I don't remember exactly what Katherine does, but both she and John
D hondt (also in Ireland) mentioned that potato blight has been
particularly destructive there this year, particularly to those
fields cultivated relying on chemical inputs rather than biological

> Who are you and what are your interests in the disease?

I am Coordinador Nacional de Producción Organica
Confederacion Nacional de Propietarios Rurales

I also Chair the Organic Pineapple Working Group of the
International Society for Horticultural Science

and am Director General of the
Centro para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Rural, A.C.
located in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico

My interest in Phytophthora stems from the fact that it attacks the
roots of the pineapple plant.

Although the INIFAP (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Forestales y Agropecuarios - the research arm of Mexico's Agriculture
Secretariat), recommends dipping the roots of pineapple transplants
in fungicide, inoculating their roots with Pisolithus Tintorius
would be a more selective and therefore more appropriate solution,
as well as one that is less likely to create resistance.

> I wrote a proposal a few years back to look at alternatives to
> pesticides for late blight control and was not funded. I have
> interests in this area - but no funding yet.

Your proposal sounds good to me - I hope the sources you solicited
funds from realize soon that your proposal was sound and merits
their support.

Be sure and check out the SARE site for additional sources of

Thank you for your response.

Douglas Hinds


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