Re: [compost_tea] Alfalfa tea and Kelp tea//possible protozoa

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 14:10:38 -0800

If you have access to a microscope, you may very well want to take a look a=
t your non-compost tea. You very well may have protozoa growing in it and i=
t may make a great protozoa stew!
Some of the protozoa you can just barely see with the naked eye if you don'=
t have a microscope. I would love to know what you find if you do!

For those not familiar with the topic, it is possible to grow protozoa and =
release them either in teas or after teas have been applied. I liken the =
bacteria and fungi as "fertilizer bags" and the protozoa and nematodes as t=
he "fertilizer spreaders." Doc E (and correct me if I am wrong!) has ment=
ioned that it takes two or three weeks before the protozoa in the soil
wake up to the fact that there is an increased food supply. Adding protozoa=
 should speed up this response time, I believe.


jeff L

Received on Thu Apr 24 2003 - 19:26:06 EDT

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