Re: [compost_tea] Simple CT maker

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 21:58:43 -0500

The article in Taunton's is not obsolete. It is a great system for the pers=
on new to the idea of making compost tea. Sure you could use a bigger pump.=
 And sure you could be concerned with the size of the bubbles. And then you=
 could buy a DO meter, and a fine temp gauge, and a Brix tester, and on and=
 on. But for the person just getting into aerobically active compost tea ma=
king, the simple set up described by Dr. Elaine is just fine!

Use a little bigger pump, play with inexpensive air stones, but let's not l=
ose the play involved here. From what I've been told by Dr. Larry Zibilski =
at the USDA Weslaco Research Station (the only USDA approved organic resear=
ch station), scientists have identified less than 5% of the total life in t=
he soil.

Do not scare people away by all the science! It is good, it is needed, but =
let's not get carried away by all the data.

Nature knows no data. And we are nowhere close to unraveling the "DNA" of t=
he soil........

Tell your sister to go with it and have is truly a learning proces=

Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jason Austin
  Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 11:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Simple CT maker

  Hi Jeff

  I encouraged my sister in New Zealand to make a small CT brewer using the=
 Taunton's article as a model. She bought the parts then the day she was r=
eady to assemble you come out with this "obsolete" comment <groan!>

  Now remember what your mother must have taught you, criticism alone is ne=
gative. To be constructive, you must also show the person how to do it bet=
ter! <grin> So how would you suggest a 5 gallon brewer be made?


  Jeff Lowenfels wrote:

    Re the article from Taunton's: I think since that article was publish=
ed that there has been a lot of research that make it "obsolete." I starte=
d with "that" machine and several of my first ones were constructed using a=
ir stones and small pumps.

    The problem is the size of the bubbles....may be too small and the inad=
equate air supply. It is a good place to start, but not to remain very long=


    Jeff L

        Yahoo! Groups Sponsor


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