Re: [compost_tea] CT recipe to applay on lawns

From: ray gore <>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 21:15:16 -0700 (PDT)

James, your speaking my language. How are you
marketing the CT for lawns? Organic Lawn Care?
Besides the ag business we do alot of golf courses and
all the schools in the area and I need to get someone
to apply CT for lawns in my area. Dont know how to get
them started in mktg. Thx. Ray Gore Certified
Soilfoodweb Advisor,Idaho
--- wrote:
> Look into adding I believe the name is PGPR or
> galaxy from DR. Holmes he can
> be reached at Soil foodweb in OR. I started using
> these bacteria's in with
> my teas for lawns this year, and I have to give
> credit where credit is due.
> Second, your spinning your wheels if you don't have
> a complete SOil Foodweb
> test done. Do you have enough protozoa to cycle the
> N? Do you have root
> feeding nematodes?
> Do you need a fungal or tea or will a bacterial tea
> do just fine?
> Lots of homework to do so we can get you set up in
> the right direction.
> Buisness is booming out here on the East Coast on
> track to tripling my
> clients and gross from last year. Trees are looking
> great, turf is coming in
> nice. About to start building my third tea truck.
> I just picked up a 40 acre estate taking lots of
> pics and data, there is
> about 20 acres turf so got my hands full on this
> one.
> How is everyone else doing??
> James Sottilo
> I.S.A. Certified Arborist NY 0176
> Certified Soil FOodweb Advisor NY 09
> Vice President Treewise, The Organic Experts
> President Long Island Arboricultural Association

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