Re: [compost_tea] Re: Kelp Questions

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 21:21:38 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Irene If I keep posing as the expert I'm gonna get in over what I know. But let's think about this. If it is food that can be eaten by microbes and carried via TEA then I believe letting TEA carry the food will make it more effective than if applied directly. If it is minerals that the microbes can ingest, then the minerals will be carried to the root system where the plant can benefit? Seems logical. Does the soil need rock phosphate, glacial rock dust? These will all become disolved or ions or chelated by microbes - fungi?- before the plants can use the minerals? Will they become distributed better as TEA than dry in the soil where the microbes may find them to eventually carry them, chelated, or disolved to the plant as essential micro minerals. Help Elaine, I'm way beyond what I know. Can your applications system handle the minerals? Some will remain in rock probably finely divided, form. But I suspect the microbes will be riding the rocks, not eating the
 m. Are some of these minerals already in the soil, just waiting for the microbes to use their magic enzymes to release the minerals in a form the plants can use? I Think I heard Elaine say that. Just thinking Irene. If you believe me I have a bridge on a special just for you. Bob What do YOU think, Walter?

irene bensinger <> wrote: Bob Norsen wrote:

>Kelp.applied directly is no more than good fertilzer. Kelp applied
>as TEA is both fertilizer and the microbes to make it namy times as

I've been wondering about soil amendments, too. If we use kelp (for
instance) in the production of CT, then is it no longer necessary to
add it as a soil amendment?

What about the other things like lime, fish meal, compost, rock
phosphate, glacial rock dust, etc., etc. Does adding some or all of
these things to CT replace the need to add them to the soil?

Somehow I keep thinking that there should be already stuff present in
the soil for the CT-carried bacteria and fungi to eat when they get

Thanks again to all who answer newbie questions. : )


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