Re: [compost_tea] composting equipment, was This is a test

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 10:16:52 -0800

<<<<The benefits of vermicomposting are: no turning, no worries about mixin=
the correct proportions of "browns" to "greens", and no smell.
Vermicompost contains lots of beneficial organisms and is much better
compost for AACT than regular, high-heat compost.>>>>


Careful....As with any compost, what goes in does, indeed, impact what come=
s out. That is why some vermicompost is good in teas and some isn't. You =
do have to worry about what you feed your worms. And you have to consider t=
hat some vermicompost does not have the diversity other vermicomposts have.=
..The SFI site contains some references to great vermicompost. Start there.


Received on Sat May 10 2003 - 16:35:15 EDT

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