Re: [compost_tea] Re: Chlorinated water

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 23:27:21 -0500

Data is needed, always as she says!

Why couldn't a simple test be done with some healthy soil that is tested be=
fore and after chlorinated tap water was used to 'water' the soil? Assays c=
ould be taken to verify the microbial life that was present and then possib=
ly altered by the chlorine.

I too have wondered what was happening to all those happy little critters i=
n the freshly inoculated soil when I turned on the water sprinkler.

Couldn't you do this in your spare time Doctor Elaine?....8~)

Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Tom Jaszewski
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 7:43 PM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: Chlorinated water



  The $1200 DEchlorinating filter insures tea and makeup water are chlorine=
 free, an important part of commercial tea production. 2 million gallons a=
t 0.0006 cents a gallon is a viable solution.


  We have continued to test the conditions here over the past 4 years. We c=
ollect water in a grid pattern used to measure the distribution uniformity =
of the irrigation systems. Random samples from fine spray patterns (Toro 87=
0 series and Rainbird 1800's at ½-1 GPM on 10-15 foot patterns) captured =
in collection cups spaced every 10 feet continue to show high levels of chl=
orine. It seems with sustainable practices the chlorine does not hamper mic=
orrhyzae and the soil food web is improving. I can't help but wonder if the=
re wouldn't be even better results by irrigating with chorine free water. A=
ll tea concentrations are applied chlorine free.


  At home I have always used a 16/1 proportioner with chlorinated tap water=
. The results have been good and even great. Perhaps the short contact time=
, a matter of seconds, is not sufficient to affect the biology seriously. A=
rboriculture standards require contact time in excess of 90 seconds to insu=
re disinfection of soil tools. I just don't believe dissipation of chlorine=
 is necessarily "apparent".


  More testing is needed. It would seem to be good science for a tea brewer=
 to test their brew water.


  BTW my tomatoes and vegetables seem (no science) far healthier this year =
without chlorinated water.



  Tom Jaszewski





  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jeff Lowenfels []
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Chlorinated water


  <<<At the levels found in our water(2PPM), there is no dissapation of
  chlorine using a lawn sprinkler>>



  Well, if you are promoting and selling 1200 dollar(!!!) chlorinators and =
your competition turns out to be a simple 10 dollar lawn sprinkler, you mig=
ht think that! :)





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Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 02:46:53 EDT

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