Re: [compost_tea] Re: NOP and CT

From: Thomas Giannou <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 14:31:40 -0700


Here in Washington State, compost tea is approved for use by Organic Grower=
s. Washington State Department of Agriculture states they are in complianc=
e with NOP standards.

Perhaps what you read is out of date? I know at one time that statement wa=
s posted on the WSDA web site, but their position now is that compost tea i=
s fine to use.

I did get a rulling from the Washington State Department of Agriculture Org=
anic Food Division regarding the use of compost teas and synthetic chelated=

"Organic producers would need to document a micronutrient deficiency before=
 using compost teas enhanced with synthetic chelated micronutrients." -- Ma=
rk Amrhein

--Thomas Giannou

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: allisonhornor
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 2:16 PM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Re: NOP and CT

  Hi all,

  I'm very interested in the dialogue about the NOP and whether or not
  they support the use of compost tea. I found the compost Task Force
  reccomendations on the NOSB website and they said: "since compost
  teas are curently under review, they are not eligible to satisfy
  section 205.203 (c) at this time." That specific section is the one
  regarding soil amendments and compost in the final NOP standards. Of
  course, being a scientist, I have no idea what all of this government
  speak means, are they allowed or not allowed? Maybe we could ask
  someone on the board.

  Take care,

Received on Tue May 27 2003 - 23:04:55 EDT

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