[compost_tea] Mixed

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 07:38:15 +0100

Re. terminology. Re. Peach leaf curl I said the lesions d--. Informed that =
word should not be used.Now this is what as a practicle person I observed.N=
o trails!Can I use the term Cured /CT is curative?

Can plants poisonous to man /animals etc be put in compost heaps?.ie Ragwor=
t. Fox Glove, Rhubarb leaves, etc.

I mulch with straw around my trees and soft fruit and so a fair portion of=
 the CT spray falls on this mulch. Are the B/F. in the CT going to 'work' o=
n the mulch?

Bill H.

Received on Sat Jun 21 2003 - 14:30:38 EDT

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