Re: [compost_tea] Re: Soak in a Bucket CT

From: <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 00:09:26 EDT

hey gang

jeez I don't know maybe call me foolish, but I could care less what you use
in your tea brewer.

I have been asking on this board now for hmmmmmmmmmmmm 6 months lets see some
end results. This amazing stuff you have, is it really doing anything when
it gets to the soil and plant.

I know what I use and I post pictures here of my work, I have tons of data to
back it up. Elaine has proven the science end of this, its up to us to pove
the practical end, come on guys lets get the ball rolling. Bottom line to me
is keeping my clients happy and I need to do that through healthy plants. If
you want to put 4 day old socks in your tea brewer and are getting results
god bless lets see the facts.

I would also suggest that the companies that fatten their pockets with
products they sell to the rest of us start walking the walk. We need good old
american cash to get things done in the political world. We need these people to
put up 5--10 thousand a piece into a fund to get a lobbiest and to be able to
mingle with the right people. We need just a few people that are getting
constant results and can handle themselves in that environment to represent the
rest of us. We can't have pie in the sky dreamers making nonsense statements
with being able to back it up talking to the politicians. When the companies
that constant sell on this board are ready to step up for the better of the
industry, I will also step up on my side and donate.

We are at a crossroad, its time to push this forward, put the money into a
fund and let the few people who can do this get it done.

sorry if I come across a little harsh. I have through my efforts made major
impacts with national companies on changing their companies into using teas
and the soil foodwb princeples. I did it through my actions, a picture is worth
a thousand words. Lets get this done once and for all. Elaine has, god,
done so much for us how much further can we stretch her, its our turn to put up
and help her to make sure her work and vision gets moving forward and into its
rightful place.

James Sottilo

Received on Sat Jun 28 2003 - 03:11:34 EDT

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