[compost_tea] political clout

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 21:43:54 -0800


Short of a lot of money, the way to get political clout is to get your clie=
nts to speak up. Here in Anchorage, where we now have so many people using =
tea, our politicians know what is going on. The Muni of Anchorage is testin=
g CT and organic foods on ball fields......all the way up to our US Senator=
s who have having fund raisers on lawns fed with compost tea....James, I kn=
ow you have some great clients. They need to become part of the support sys=
tem....sure we should all kick in the bucks, but I can tell you that is not=
 the only way to go! We have to use what we can and clients that see result=
s are also constituents that want change.


Jeff L
P.S. If I could get my wife's camera to work, I would send pictures of a fa=
ntastic lawn....my son said today "Gee, the lawn looks like it always did."=
  Of course, it always had Miracle-Gro on it so it was a compliment. Green,=
 lush and weed controlling. And I have controls that don't get tea'd and =
they don't look anything like the CT'd area.

Received on Sat Jun 28 2003 - 03:11:36 EDT

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