[compost_tea] We're seeing results

From: Judi Stewart <js_at_olympus.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 00:28:08 -0700

I've been making compost tea for the fruit club with the Bob-O-Lator. I
the members how many gallons they want next week. I've received some
answers .
"Hi Judy...we'd like 10gal of tea on the 6th. I sprayed the currant
bushes with compost tea this spring and for the first time in 5plus
years they weren't defoliated by currant worms. Previously we had used
"Hi Judi,
I would like 40 Gallons of your magical brew.
"Would love some CT...enough to spray 3 tiny apple trees..each 3 ft tall
with one branch. Plus about 2 more gallons to dilute for maintenance of
some new buddlea hedge."
"I need more compost tea. The leaves on my apple tree look waxed. I
took 4 gallons before. Can I have 20?
No, better make that 40 or 50."
"I'd like 10 gallons this time. My hostas are 3 times their size."
Our fruit club is growing. We've added five members this month because
of the compost tea. Members are picking up their tea in
gallon jugs, 5-gallon pails, and 55 gallon drums. It's fun to see them
outside of meetings as it gives us more time to chat. Tea time
has become a mini social event.

(image/gif attachment: image001.gif)

Received on Sun Jun 29 2003 - 13:14:47 EDT

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