RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance

From: Judi Stewart <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 01:02:00 -0700

I'm using good well water.
This is such a great idea. If I monitor the tea and start adding water
and nutrients gradually, I'd be able to accommodate more members and
hopefully not run out of tea. All I'd have to do is spread the compost
tea pickup over a longer period of time and monitor the oxygen levels.
I see it's time we bought a DO meter. Now that everyone has had time to
experiment with their meters, I'd like to ask
those who have and use it, which ones you're using, how effective are
they, and what did they cost?
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance
Hi Judy, mind if I cut in? Please go lighter on the molasses and fish
until you get the added air. I think you will find the foam whther you
put the molasses in the tank of in the chamber. Unless the molasses
just sinks to the bottom and stays there. to avoid both problems mix
molasses in hot water, pour in about 1/4th the total at a time, an hour
more or less apart., do this early in the brew. then add the fish late
in the brew. even up to 3 - 3 hours bfore you want to use the brew.
2) different subject. If you have chlorine free water you can add
water as TEA is removed if ou add molasses and fish to the remaining
brew. give the new wate and new food some time to grow microbes. You
can even add some - 1/4 the original total + - if the removal will be
over a period of some hours. Will the TEA be exactly the same every
time? No. It will not e exactly the same from time to time anyhow.
But it will be useful and may even be better. this is better done by
feeding the compost days ahead and adding a little of the combined
compost/ nutrient. to the new/ water/ brew mix when a part of the tea
is taken. that way your 250g brew could be 350 by the end of a day.
Bob .


Received on Wed Jul 09 2003 - 04:47:58 EDT

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