[compost_tea] recipes, procedure & performance

From: chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 08:14:53 -0400


Regarding creating conditions to increase the size of the fungi, could you
please clarify what you mean by "activate" several days in advance? I am
using a prepared tea compost and prepared fungal booster. Does "activate"
mean to mix them together dry, add water, lightly moisten or ??

Paul Sachs's tests that show him gradually adding the fungal booster much
later in the process have resulted in his best numbers yet. One possible
reason is that they aren't agitated as much.

If you have test results showing the difference that occurs by activating
several days in advance, and having the fungal ingredients available all
from the start, are they available online anywhere or would you share?

What kind of brewer are you using?

By the way, the event you are holding sounds wonderful. I saw somebody on a
property where I work who was spraying "compost tea" (AACT) the other day
and coating only the top of the leaf surface. ANY incomplete understanding
of what to do/how to do it can come back as "it doesn't work". I look
forward to getting a similar event going here in the Northeast. Anybody
else interested in participating?

Chris Reid

-----Original Message-----
From: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com [mailto:compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 7:50 AM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [compost_tea] Digest Number 367

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:


There are 15 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Potato Nutrients for Optimization
           From: "Ryan, Matthew" <matthew.ryan_at_rodaleinst.org>
      2. Re: Hydroponics vs. Soil Bacteria
           From: "Terence Dodge" <compostea_at_yahoo.com>
      3. RE: Digest Number 366
           From: chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
      4. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
      5. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Jeff Lowenfels" <jeff_at_gardener.com>
      6. RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
      7. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
      8. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Steve Bridges" <kimas_at_texasgrown.com>
      9. RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
     10. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
     11. RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
     12. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Jeff Lowenfels" <jeff_at_gardener.com>
     13. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
     14. RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
     15. RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>


Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:31:56 -0400
   From: "Ryan, Matthew" <matthew.ryan_at_rodaleinst.org>
Subject: Potato Nutrients for Optimization

Hello All,

I just got back the results from a nutrient analysis of potato leaves from
our compost tea potato trial. The results indicate that the potato plants
are low in K, Mg, Zn, and B. This also reflects our soil analysis. Can
anyone suggest a good way to increase these nutrients via compost tea. Has
anyone ever put sulpomag into their tea brewer? Are there any products good
for tea that would have these nutrients in it?

Note: We did one representative sampling of each treatment (CT, nutrients
without compost, and no spray control) and had the potato leaves analyzed
(ICP). The nitrogen levals were higher in the CT treatment 4.08%, lower in
the no spray control 3.89%, and lowest in the nutrient control 3.73%.
Rember this was only one sampling, but something seems to be making the
nitrogen more available in the compost tea treatment.

Hope all is well,

Matthew Ryan
Research Technician
The Rodale Institute
611 Siegfriedale Road
Kutztown, PA 19530
(610) 683-1405

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 2
   Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 14:22:44 -0000
   From: "Terence Dodge" <compostea_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hydroponics vs. Soil Bacteria

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, William Kruidenier
<williamk_at_c...> wrote:
> Elaine,
> I have been talking with the principals of a new company in Ft.
> Myers, Florida, OceanGrown Solutions, LLC,
> (http://www.oceangrown.com) about the product they are bringing to
> market -- an ocean water solution for growing plants hydroponically
> ("oceanponically") as well as for using as a soil drench and foliar
> spray for soil-based plants.
> Their product is based on the 40+ years research of (the late) Dr.
> Maynard Murray (wrote Sea Energy Agriculture, ACRES USA) who proved
> the health benefits of growing plants in a diluted solution of
> water (including the sodium chloride, surprisingly). The lab
> done on vegetables grown in ocean water solutions shows a far
> proportion of minerals than conventionally grown produce. Their
> tomatoes, e.g., are not "watery" like so many hydroponically grown
> tomatoes.
> I have always looked down on hydroponics because of the absence of
> soil and accompanying organisms which I assumed were vital to the
> soil/plant/nutrient metabolism process.
> SO -- questions:
> 1. How do microorganisms in sea water compare to microorganism in
> 2. Can CT be used as a hydroponic food source? Alone or with other
> amendments added?
> 3. Would the sodium chloride in DILUTED sea water harm the
> microorganisms in CT if the two were mixed?
> 4. What is your response to lab tests showing (alleged -- I don't
> have the numbers) higher mineral counts in produce grown out of
> rather than in soil? What does this say about the "soil food web?"
> Trying to understand the process --

a) Well they make money (short term) while we finish destroying the
b) after finishing off the ocean (limited by our land resources) we
c) Not sustainable (technos will not save our egos).
d) What decision process are engaged here?

Terence (very land based, but dependent on the ocean)
> Tx,
> William K.


Message: 3
   Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 10:27:13 -0400
   From: chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
Subject: RE: Digest Number 366

Yes, I have seen/do see Paul's data sheets. When you said recipes, I
thought it would look more like the one I use for my snickerdoodles (grin).
But I used Paul's data sheets for an idea on how to get started brewing my
tea with his products/your tea brewer. I appreciate his sharing the
information because I can learn from what has/hasn't worked for him.

Chris Reid

-----Original Message-----
From: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com [mailto:compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 7:45 AM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [compost_tea] Digest Number 366

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
      2. Re: Molasses
           From: "Mike Harvey" <mharvey_at_westnet.com.au>
      3. Hydroponics vs. Soil Bacteria
           From: William Kruidenier <williamk_at_carolina.rr.com>
      4. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
      5. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Jason Austin <jason.austin_at_shaw.ca>
      6. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
      7. Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance
           From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 07:49:26 -0400
   From: chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net>
Subject: recipes, procedure & perfomance


You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures. Could you
provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked around the
North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
something else.


Chris Reid


Message: 2
   Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 20:00:35 +0800
   From: "Mike Harvey" <mharvey_at_westnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: Molasses

Dear Elaine,
I expect to do some work with these high molasses AACT . One of the problems
I have when getting AACT tested is the lab is 3 days away by freight
(across Australia). If I use the 5% mol will that help to stabilise the
AACT and hopefully enable the Fungi to stay more active and less likely for
the bacterial to attack it if DO drops during transit?
 I aerate the sample during transit however sometimes express freight takes
4 days!!
What % of Molasses is too much?
Regards Mike Harvey New Life Soils,
----- Original Message -----
From: <soilfoodweb_at_aol.com>
To: <compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Molasses

> Have you actually tested this? I was surprised that we did not get high
bacterial numbers when we used 5% molasses.
> Give ti a try, and see if your brewer works the same as the KIS brewer.
This is why you always want to repeat things in more than one kind of
> OK?
> Elaine Ingham
> President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
> SFI Corvallis, OR
> SFI Port Jefferson, NY
> SFI Lismore, NSW, Australia
> SFI Hilversum, The Netherlands
> SFI Cambridge, New Zealand
> www.soilfoodweb.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


Message: 3
   Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 10:05:41 -0400
   From: William Kruidenier <williamk_at_carolina.rr.com>
Subject: Hydroponics vs. Soil Bacteria


I have been talking with the principals of a new company in Ft.
Myers, Florida, OceanGrown Solutions, LLC,
(http://www.oceangrown.com) about the product they are bringing to
market -- an ocean water solution for growing plants hydroponically
("oceanponically") as well as for using as a soil drench and foliar
spray for soil-based plants.

Their product is based on the 40+ years research of (the late) Dr.
Maynard Murray (wrote Sea Energy Agriculture, ACRES USA) who proved
the health benefits of growing plants in a diluted solution of ocean
water (including the sodium chloride, surprisingly). The lab testing
done on vegetables grown in ocean water solutions shows a far higher
proportion of minerals than conventionally grown produce. Their
tomatoes, e.g., are not "watery" like so many hydroponically grown

I have always looked down on hydroponics because of the absence of
soil and accompanying organisms which I assumed were vital to the
soil/plant/nutrient metabolism process.

SO -- questions:

1. How do microorganisms in sea water compare to microorganism in soil?

2. Can CT be used as a hydroponic food source? Alone or with other
amendments added?

3. Would the sodium chloride in DILUTED sea water harm the
microorganisms in CT if the two were mixed?

4. What is your response to lab tests showing (alleged -- I don't
have the numbers) higher mineral counts in produce grown out of soil
rather than in soil? What does this say about the "soil food web?"

Trying to understand the process --


William K.

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Message: 4
   Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 09:37:16 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Chris - Paul Sachs web site, www.norganics.com has his original product
section and a section on compost TEA that describes his last 6 test runs and
attached the SFINY reports. They jump out for me. Let me know if you still
can't find those. I will ask Paul to make it easier. Bob

chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net> wrote:Bob,

You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures. Could you
provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked around the
North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
something else.


Chris Reid

Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT

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Message: 5
   Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 10:08:08 -0700
   From: Jason Austin <jason.austin_at_shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Hi Bob

The subject line of your first message on this thread was "Brewer
recipes, procedure & performance". Like Chris I went to Paul's web site
expecting to find recipes and procedures, but those are not on the site.

Nice web site though, and good promo for your brewers!


Robert Norsen wrote:

> Chris - Paul Sachs web site, www.norganics.com
> <http://www.norganics.com> has his original product section and a
> section on compost TEA that describes his last 6 test runs and
> attached the SFINY reports. They jump out for me. Let me know if you
> still can't find those. I will ask Paul to make it easier. Bob
> chris reid <reidchris_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> Bob,
> You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures.
> Could you
> provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked
> around the
> North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
> something else.
> Thanks,
> Chris Reid
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> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
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> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
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> <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>.

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Message: 6
   Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 20:58:29 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Jason and Chris - I remember reading both the reports and a tabulation of
how Paul ran the tests that also revealed the recipe in detail. I will look
again. Paul might have sent that as a message. Keep tuned. I will look
again. If it is not on the web site I will ask Paul to mak it visible. Bob

Jason Austin <jason.austin_at_shaw.ca> wrote:Hi Bob

The subject line of your first message on this thread was "Brewer
recipes, procedure & performance". Like Chris I went to Paul's web site
expecting to find recipes and procedures, but those are not on the site.

Nice web site though, and good promo for your brewers!


Robert Norsen wrote:

> Chris - Paul Sachs web site, www.norganics.com
> has his original product section and a
> section on compost TEA that describes his last 6 test runs and
> attached the SFINY reports. They jump out for me. Let me know if you
> still can't find those. I will ask Paul to make it easier. Bob
> chris reid wrote:
> Bob,
> You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures.
> Could you
> provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked
> around the
> North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
> something else.
> Thanks,
> Chris Reid
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
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> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
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> .

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Message: 7
   Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 21:26:15 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Hi Again Jason - I just reviewed Paul Sacks web site. On his home page he
has several choices including Compost Tea Brewers click that. Read all
about Bob's stuff as you go down near the bottom are two choices - Test
data and test dates the last 2 test dates show super SFI test reports.
The data is such small print I have trouble reading it even with all the
magnification the CD will give me and then a hand glass. But it is there.
Well maybe the recipe is not very clear. The amount of compost and
nutrients are not clearly listed in easy to check off amounts of compost and
other items

Since the recipe he used includes pacs he markets I think I can get him to
expand that part of the message. Please let me know if you find it. and
if you can use it. Bob

PS when do you want one shipped?

Jason Austin <jason.austin_at_shaw.ca> wrote:
Hi Bob

The subject line of your first message on this thread was "Brewer
recipes, procedure & performance". Like Chris I went to Paul's web site
expecting to find recipes and procedures, but those are not on the site.

Nice web site though, and good promo for your brewers!


Robert Norsen wrote:

> Chris - Paul Sachs web site, www.norganics.com
> has his original product section and a
> section on compost TEA that describes his last 6 test runs and
> attached the SFINY reports. They jump out for me. Let me know if you
> still can't find those. I will ask Paul to make it easier. Bob
> chris reid wrote:
> Bob,
> You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures.
> Could you
> provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked
> around the
> North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
> something else.
> Thanks,
> Chris Reid
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service .
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
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> .

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Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:33:18 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Jason & chris - Too many messages on the subject, sorry folks.
Paul tells me that his data sheet that is so small print it is hard to read
will come up with the magnifyer that is on the tool bar. that helped. He
also said that it you print it it will come normal size. Printing would be
the way to go. then it would be there when you are scooping the stuff int
the brewer.

I am trying one other detail of the process. I am mixing some of the
nutrients with the compost a day or more ahead of adding them to the brewer.
Jeff did this with oat meal.
It would be best to do this sort of experimenting with a lab to measure
what is going on.

Jason Austin <jason.austin_at_shaw.ca> wrote:
Hi Bob

The subject line of your first message on this thread was "Brewer
recipes, procedure & performance". Like Chris I went to Paul's web site
expecting to find recipes and procedures, but those are not on the site.

Nice web site though, and good promo for your brewers!


Robert Norsen wrote:

> Chris - Paul Sachs web site, www.norganics.com
> has his original product section and a
> section on compost TEA that describes his last 6 test runs and
> attached the SFINY reports. They jump out for me. Let me know if you
> still can't find those. I will ask Paul to make it easier. Bob
> chris reid wrote:
> Bob,
> You mentioned Paul Sachs's description of recipes and procedures.
> Could you
> provide a link, or information on obtaining it? I have looked
> around the
> North Country Organics site and I am not sure if you mean his log, or
> something else.
> Thanks,
> Chris Reid
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service .
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> compost_tea-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service
> .

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Message: 5
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 09:52:08 -0800
   From: "Jeff Lowenfels" <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance


I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the fungi
a chance to get started.

I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event this
Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from this list.


Jeff L

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 6
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 13:34:45 -0700
   From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
Subject: RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance


I have some questions for you.

Is there a specific number of days in advance that's preferable?

Would the same hold true if you were making a bacterial or fungal

Have you used any rock dust in your brews, and if so, how much?

Sorry, but I can't make it this weekend. I think it's a most
important meeting. Being able to see how the
compost tea is made by the experts is an excellent idea.
Perhaps someone would be willing to tape this for those
who can't be there in person and have it available
for a fee.

Thanks for your help,


From: Jeff Lowenfels [mailto:jeff_at_gardener.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:52 AM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the
fungi a chance to get started.

I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event this
Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from this


Jeff L

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 7
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 13:40:23 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

3daysJeff? or more? I hope to be there both days. Kevin says 5AM
thursday Are you also on that flight?

Been trying to set up a demo anf hands on opportunity for BobO brewers both
days but have no word from ctc. Do you have any influence? Bob.

Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com> wrote:

I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the fungi
a chance to get started.

I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event this
Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from this list.


Jeff L

Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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Message: 8
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 16:22:55 -0500
   From: "Steve Bridges" <kimas_at_texasgrown.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

If you have a motor-driven, impellor-type pump, then you can't use rock dust
in your machine. I have a 22gal. Earth Tea Brewer and rock dusts cause a $15
seal in the motor to wear out after 4-5 brews. One of the composts that I
was using had some decomposed granite in the compost. I could visually see
the scuff marks on the seal where the granite had scarred the seal, causing
it to leak.
Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Judi Stewart
  To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:34 PM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


  I have some questions for you.

  Is there a specific number of days in advance that's preferable?

  Would the same hold true if you were making a bacterial or fungal


  Have you used any rock dust in your brews, and if so, how much?

  Sorry, but I can't make it this weekend. I think it's a most

  important meeting. Being able to see how the

  compost tea is made by the experts is an excellent idea.

  Perhaps someone would be willing to tape this for those

  who can't be there in person and have it available

  for a fee.

  Thanks for your help,


  From: Jeff Lowenfels [mailto:jeff_at_gardener.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:52 AM
  To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


  I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the fungi
a chance to get started.

  I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event this
Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from this list.


  Jeff L

        Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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Message: 9
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 15:53:42 -0700
   From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
Subject: RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance


I¡¯m using the Bob-O-Lator for 250 gallons. The great folks at Soil
Food Web suggested
I use some rock powder as a perch for the fungi. So I added a quart of
Azomite. I have
quarries near me that have the fine powdered granite dust and basalt
available; the
quarries consider this as waste. The fungal compost tea recipe that was
suggested to me was 5 gallons
water, 2 ounces molasses, and 10 ounces fish hydrolysate plus some rock
dust. For
a large brew, I should increase the nutrients proportionate to the
amount of water, but not
so the compost, and to check with the brewer manufacturer, as all the
good brewers
mentioned on this list use different amounts of material. For 250
gallons water, that would
be 100 ounces (.75 gallons) molasses and 500 ounces (3.91 gallons) of
It was also suggested that I not use seaweed together with fish, as
there might be too much

I added 2 cups molasses at the start and some to the tank later into
the brewing cycle. Figuring
the cool molasses was falling to the tank bottom, I began adding it to
the chamber. I won¡¯t do
that again. The chamber bubbled up and it took 1 ¨ö hours to calm it
down. But in the morning,
I found the lid had blown off the chamber and there was a mound of
compost sitting on the brewer¡¯s
ledge. Bob Norsen suggested that next time I should add molasses
that¡¯s been warmed or add
warm water to the molasses.

Did I miss a post on any agreement about the amount of molasses in our
recipes, as to 3% or 5%
or somewhere in between? I checked and can buy 5 gallons of
unsulphered organic Blackstrap molasses
for $40 from the local food co-op.



-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bridges [mailto:kimas_at_texasgrown.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:23 PM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance

If you have a motor-driven, impellor-type pump, then you can't use rock
dust in your machine. I have a 22gal. Earth Tea Brewer and rock dusts
cause a $15 seal in the motor to wear out after 4-5 brews. One of the
composts that I was using had some decomposed granite in the compost. I
could visually see the scuff marks on the seal where the granite had
scarred the seal, causing it to leak.
Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery
----- Original Message -----
From: Judi Stewart <mailto:js_at_olympus.net>
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


I have some questions for you.

Is there a specific number of days in advance that¡¯s preferable?

Would the same hold true if you were making a bacterial or fungal

Have you used any rock dust in your brews, and if so, how much?

Sorry, but I can¡¯t make it this weekend. I think it¡¯s a most
important meeting. Being able to see how the
compost tea is made by the experts is an excellent idea.
Perhaps someone would be willing to tape this for those
who can¡¯t be there in person and have it available
for a fee.

Thanks for your help,


From: Jeff Lowenfels [mailto:jeff_at_gardener.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:52 AM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the
fungi a chance to get started.

I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event
this Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from
this list.


Jeff L

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Message: 10
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 21:55:19 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

No, Steve, Judi's 30 g and 250g neither have an impellor pump. Bob

Steve Bridges <kimas_at_texasgrown.com> wrote:
st1\:* { BEHAVIOR: url(#default#ieooui)}Judy,
If you have a motor-driven, impellor-type pump, then you can't use rock dust
in your machine. I have a 22gal. Earth Tea Brewer and rock dusts cause a $15
seal in the motor to wear out after 4-5 brews. One of the composts that I
was using had some decomposed granite in the compost. I could visually see
the scuff marks on the seal where the granite had scarred the seal, causing
it to leak.
Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery
----- Original Message -----
From: Judi Stewart
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


I have some questions for you.

Is there a specific number of days in advance that’s preferable?

Would the same hold true if you were making a bacterial or fungal


Have you used any rock dust in your brews, and if so, how much?

Sorry, but I can’t make it this weekend. I think it’s a most

important meeting. Being able to see how the

compost tea is made by the experts is an excellent idea.

Perhaps someone would be willing to tape this for those

who can’t be there in person and have it available

for a fee.

Thanks for your help,


From: Jeff Lowenfels [mailto:jeff_at_gardener.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:52 AM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


I think you will find that you will have greater success if you add the
ingredients to the compost SEVERAL days ahead of time. This gives the fungi
a chance to get started.

I hope you and your customers are all going to be at the ICTC event this
Friday and saturday. I know I look forward to seeing folks from this list.


Jeff L

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Message: 11
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:17:29 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Hi Judy, mind if I cut in? Please go lighter on the molasses and fish until
you get the added air. I think you will find the foam whther you put the
molasses in the tank of in the chamber. Unless the molasses just sinks to
the bottom and stays there. to avoid both problems mix molasses in hot
water, pour in about 1/4th the total at a time, an hour more or less
apart., do this early in the brew. then add the fish late in the brew.
even up to 3 - 3 hours bfore you want to use the brew.

2) different subject. If you have chlorine free water you can add water as
TEA is removed if ou add molasses and fish to the remaining brew. give the
new wate and new food some time to grow microbes. You can even add some -
1/4 the original total + - if the removal will be over a period of some
hours. Will the TEA be exactly the same every time? No. It will not e
exactly the same from time to time anyhow. But it will be useful and may
even be better. this is better done by feeding the compost days ahead and
adding a little of the combined compost/ nutrient. to the new/ water/ brew
mix when a part of the tea is taken. that way your 250g brew could be 350
by the end of a day. Bob .

Judi Stewart <js_at_olympus.net> wrote:

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Message: 12
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 22:04:38 -0800
   From: "Jeff Lowenfels" <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance


Activate for fungi about four or five days in advance. This is because fungi
do not multiply in tea, only grow.

Bacteria don't need the activation. They do multiply in the tea.

I have used rock dust. 5 pounds for a 100 gallon brew. It increased the
fungi considerably.

I have no idea if the ICTC is taping the event. I am sure there will be



[This message contained attachments]


Message: 13
   Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 23:05:07 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Feels like the second time around. The recipes are in the charts. There
are 9 procedures and test runs. Each has the compost used and nutrients
used - of his nutrient pacs. Paul says if you print the section it will
come out a normal size, easy to read

[This message contained attachments]


Message: 14
   Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 00:54:27 -0700
   From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
Subject: RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance

Jeff, what is your source of rock dust? And how are you adding it?

This is good information.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lowenfels [mailto:jeff_at_gardener.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:05 PM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance


Activate for fungi about four or five days in advance. This is because
fungi do not multiply in tea, only grow.

Bacteria don't need the activation. They do multiply in the tea.

I have used rock dust. 5 pounds for a 100 gallon brew. It increased the
fungi considerably.

I have no idea if the ICTC is taping the event. I am sure there will be



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Message: 15
   Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 01:02:00 -0700
   From: "Judi Stewart" <js_at_olympus.net>
Subject: RE: recipes, procedure & perfomance


I'm using good well water.

This is such a great idea. If I monitor the tea and start adding water
and nutrients gradually, I'd be able to accommodate more members and
hopefully not run out of tea. All I'd have to do is spread the compost
tea pickup over a longer period of time and monitor the oxygen levels.

I see it's time we bought a DO meter. Now that everyone has had time to
experiment with their meters, I'd like to ask
those who have and use it, which ones you're using, how effective are
they, and what did they cost?



-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 10:17 PM
To: compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] recipes, procedure & perfomance

Hi Judy, mind if I cut in? Please go lighter on the molasses and fish
until you get the added air. I think you will find the foam whther you
put the molasses in the tank of in the chamber. Unless the molasses
just sinks to the bottom and stays there. to avoid both problems mix
molasses in hot water, pour in about 1/4th the total at a time, an hour
more or less apart., do this early in the brew. then add the fish late
in the brew. even up to 3 - 3 hours bfore you want to use the brew.

2) different subject. If you have chlorine free water you can add
water as TEA is removed if ou add molasses and fish to the remaining
brew. give the new wate and new food some time to grow microbes. You
can even add some - 1/4 the original total + - if the removal will be
over a period of some hours. Will the TEA be exactly the same every
time? No. It will not e exactly the same from time to time anyhow.
But it will be useful and may even be better. this is better done by
feeding the compost days ahead and adding a little of the combined
compost/ nutrient. to the new/ water/ brew mix when a part of the tea
is taken. that way your 250g brew could be 350 by the end of a day.
Bob .

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