Re: [compost_tea] Early Microbbrewers and apples

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:02:14 -0700 (PDT)

Eric, I bought a Micro when it first came out in 97 or 98. Within a few months decided the system was far too damaging to the microbes and too hard to clean so I developed the brewers we sell as BobOLators. The Micro sits in a corner of our warehouse collecting cobwebs. It has been for sale for 4 years but when people see the BobOLator they take it instead.
So low cost, so easy to clean, so easy to use. Probably costs less than to modify the Micro and clean it over and over. I think you could convert the pump to a good transferr systme to work with your BobOLator system. If 50 gallons of the Micro is enough tea you could even use the tank with the BobOLator. That way the tank and pump would be ready to use just as they are. If you want me to help you figure out how to do this let me know Bob

ericgoodenough <> wrote:
Any early version Microbbrewer (1999-2000) users out there? I'm
looking for discussion on improvements that might be made to increase
aerobic organisms and decrease cleaning time.

I'm organic orcharding with compost teas and would like to speak with
anyone who has had experience with teas and apple diseases, primarily
apple scab.

Also, does anyone have a recommended psi (pounds per square inch)
setting that will allow high survival of organisms through a mist
blast (fan dispersed) sprayer?

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Received on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 02:09:22 EDT

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