Re: [compost_tea] Early Microbbrewers and apples

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:08:08 -0700 (PDT)

Address your question to Judi Stewart of the NWtreefruit club. They are using CT and their members know apples well. I used CT in one orchard and got good results. Bob

Tim Livingstone <> wrote:Eric,

I am also interested in work done using compost tea for control of
apple scab. I have a couple very susceptible varieties (Mac and
Cortland) and have not had good success controlling scab with tea.

I have heard of using compost tea and HP, but do not know timing,
application sequence, or strength.

I would also appreciate any advice / findings people may have and
are willing to share.

Thank you,
Tim Livingstone

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:17:27 -0000
  From: "ericgoodenough" <>
Subject: Early Microbbrewers and apples

Any early version Microbbrewer (1999-2000) users out there? I'm
looking for discussion on improvements that might be made to
increase aerobic organisms and decrease cleaning time.

I'm organic orcharding with compost teas and would like to speak
with anyone who has had experience with teas and apple diseases,
primarily apple scab.

Also, does anyone have a recommended psi (pounds per square
inch) setting that will allow high survival of organisms through a mist
blast (fan dispersed) sprayer?

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