[compost_tea] R.up.

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 20:31:32 +0100

Not economics but saving land from degradation.But the farmer has to make a=
To save land now devoid of trees and manure burnt how are you to make ACT? =
All waste organic matter will be consumed by livestock which in these scena=
rio is the destructive goat.Use solar power, the unit will used to light th=
e house!
The ONLY way to save that soil is by population control to a level that the=
 land can sustain.
Not politically correct but TRUE.

Thanks for the info.No doubt quite correct about the contamination of the w=
ater supply which any excess of most things have the same effect.
As I have said I have great faith in ACT but please tell me what the Danish=
 farmer can do, with ACT in 04 and still make a profitable living?
ACT will work but in its infancy .the most pertinent remark comes from Bob.=
' If we had a visionary that said instead of " a man on the moon in this de=
cade" we found a leader of equal magnitude who proclaimed discovering EARTH=
 as the goal It could be at least as exciting!! '

Bib Norsen for President!

Bill H.

Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 16:37:09 EDT

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