[compost_tea] Re: A veeeeery interesting web site

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 22:07:14 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Jeff for that tour. Many related topics that would be of interest to most of the List members.
Several of these aticles tell us "Why We Do ACT !", Bob

Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com> wrote:
The idea behind gardening and farming with the soil foodweb, in part, is to get away from chemicals. Here is an interesting turn of events for "safe" Round-up. If the article is to be believed, it is not as safe as thought.....

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> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream name=Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Contaminates Danish Drinking Water POLITIKEN (Denmark) 10may03.URL

Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 11:13:09 EDT

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