Re: [compost_tea] Root Zone Injection

From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 06:58:41 EDT

The visible hyphae in compost get extracted into the tea. If you have
visible hyphae in the compost, and then don't get hyphae in the tea, something
happened to kill them during the brewing cycle. You need to figure out what.

Spores can germinate in tea, and often do, IF the conditions are correct for
the spores to germinate and grow. Typically, you have to have foods for the
fungi to grow, and the right surface area for them to grow on. Not all spores
germinate in the 24 hour brewing period.

We can quantify spores in tea, but it doesn't mean a great deal. It is
better to measure hyphae. If you want to know increases in hyphae with time, do a
sample at a certain time and then a second sample the next day, for example.

SFI can quantify the spores that germinate.

President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Oregon, USA
SFI Australia
SFI New York
SFI Europe
SFI New Zealand

"Hope is not a feeling. It is not the belief that things will turn out well,
but the conviction that what we are doing makes sense, no matter how things
turn out." -- Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic

Received on Tue Jul 29 2003 - 11:39:25 EDT

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