Re: [compost_tea] compost tea update

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 08:53:11 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Judi! That is a great report. Do any of us know exactly what or why the ACT works? I think not. I am surprised that soil drench would have such a good effect in the tree. I imagined foliar would be needed. You must be ready for a second tank and an aerator to keep the ACT ready for more takers.
Of course there are those who want to see it work before they believe. You and I are not far from that attitude. Only if it works is it worth the effort. Glad you are proving it. Bob

Judi Stewart <> wrote:

I usually ask the Fruit Club members who are using compost tea what results or

differences they’ve noticed from either this year’s or prior year’s growth.

Saturday was ‘compost tea day.’ One member told me that this year

he noticed there were no pear slugs or pearworms.


I also have pear and cherry trees, a few more cherry trees this

year than last. I used to hand pick the pear slugs one by one. It can get to be a chore if you

have many trees; it’s messy, time consuming, and you always miss a few.

When trees grow tall it’s a real hassle.


This is also the first year that I’ve used compost tea and it’s

also the first year I don’t have any pear slugs. They’ve been in my

pear and cherry trees each previous year. I applied the compost tea as

a soil drench. I thought I’d use Surround on the pear trees this year

but changed my mind.


I have another pear problem; pear blister mite. It’s terrible and can

defoliate the entire tree if not taken care of. The mites get in between the leaf layers and

suck out the plant juice, eventually turning the leaves black. You have to pick off each

affected leaf. I should have sprayed the trees with sulfur in the fall before leaf drop,

but I became busy and missed the opportunity. But since I soil drenched the pears with

compost tea, using a little more on the pears than on the other fruit trees, I see the pears still have some pear

blister mite, but it’s not as severe as last year. And I have more pears this year than last.

I also think my pears are a problem to pollinate.


There are many disbelievers in the Fruit Club who are now using compost tea because they’re

listening to what the other members are saying about using it, or they tried it and are noticing

something good is happening. They’re not sure how or why it’s “working” just that it is. Some

members originally came for 3 gallons and now take 10, or 10 gallons and now use 50.







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