RE: [compost_tea] compost tea update

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:09:11 -0700

Hi Judi,

Thanks for the fruit tree post.

Don't be too excited on the pear slugs quite yet though. I haven't used tea
on my trees and this too is the first year I haven't had them chomping on
the leaves (yet). But I hope to hear it continue to work for you - and in a
hope-for-ACT sick sort of way- I hope to get hit - that could mean progress.

I'm thinking that it might be a little too early for the slugs - don't they
just start climbing up into the trees about this time of year? I know it's
the fall season when the leaves really start to get eaten by them - here
anyway (E. WA State).

Please keep me updated on your pear slugs as the season progresses. I was
planning on using teas to see if it controls my pear slug problem. I'd
think a soil drench (if ACT works against the pear slug) would work well -
as that's where they originate, in the ground at the base of the trees.

Thanks for the update.

Ellensburg, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Judi Stewart []
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 3:49 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] compost tea update


This is also the first year that I've used compost tea and it's
also the first year I don't have any pear slugs. They've been in my
pear and cherry trees each previous year. I applied the compost tea as
a soil drench. I thought I'd use Surround on the pear trees this year
but changed my mind.



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Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 15:54:55 EDT

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