RE: [compost_tea] Soil Sampling

From: John Dunbar <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 13:15:53 -0500

Re: Soil Sampling on baseball fields

Kevin, maybe you should do your tests on the same days each year so you can
say that the samples were taken at (relatively) the same points. I would
also track the rain fall in the area, before, during and after, and other
important variables, besides ACT, that could explain the differences.

I would also recommend that you document your tests on paper thoroughly.
Making a map of each site and marking the sample areas would be important
(maybe count the steps to each sample area). Each area could have different
soil, drainage, and other growing conditions.

As a final idea, if you don't send SFI samples from each area, then why
don't you make a blend of each field and send in a soil sample to SFI for
testing from each designated ball field.

When you say that the dilution will be dependent on weather and mood, the
application rates and dilutions should be fully documented on your records.
I'm sure you will want to review these long afterwards, and they may indeed
explain the results in a different way than you thought.

GOOD LUCK! It sounds like an exciting test.

John Dunbar

Received on Wed Aug 13 2003 - 21:10:36 EDT

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