RE: [compost_tea] Re: Soil Sampling

From: John Dunbar <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 19:50:10 -0500

In regards to testing, I would like to know if there should be 3 different
controls to compare against ACT: 1) No application, 2) Water only, 3)
Aerated Water.

I was thinking that Aerated Water may give ACT a run for its money if the
application is a drench and the soils are not aerated properly.

Any comments?

It would be terrible if the big effect from ACT came from O2.

Also, I ordered Paul Sachs' book ("Edaphos: Dynamics of a Natural Soil
System") and it is truly great. I'll be giving it a 5 star review after I
finish reading more of it. Right now I'm skipping around in it. Its a 200
page paper back with lots of information. Its easy to read, yet at the same
time it contains so much information. Every page is underlined heavily.

John Dunbar

Received on Mon Aug 18 2003 - 22:37:15 EDT

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