Re: [compost_tea] Re: Tea and EPA regulations

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 18:56:33 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Tom J. Your careful critisizm is understood. If I sound like I am selling in every post I do need to make sales to contribute what I have to offer the program. I have tried to avoid sales pitches as such in respect for the policy of the LIST. My intent is to report the benefits of ACT that are reported to me by others and that I find on my own. Is that what sounds like selling brewers? Several who have reported results of SFI tests include the make of the brewer as part of the information. I guess every message that includes the name of the sender is selling. The list may become very quiet if all forms of promotion / information about products is eliminated. Hard to define siutable message content. Bob

And to spare the feeling of making sales with every message I have avoided a signature that describes every product, location, degree, affiliation, phone #, address and such..

tomjasz <> wrote:
From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_y...> Date: Sat Aug 23, 2003 11:59
amSubject: Tea and EPA regulations

BOB Well, I proposed that ACT had a great influence on pests and
problems as I have noted and as has been reported by Elaine and

TJ Thanks for the clarification Bob, your posts read more like tea
*WILL" stop aphids and tent caterpillars.

BOB Not total elimination of pests but moderation of pest invasion.
As is desireable. Noted by several retorts.

TJ Experiences here over 12 years indicate there's a lot more to the
picture. Customers continuing to use inorganic fertilizers see none
of the results of a sustainable paradigm. Soil development also plays
a critical part of the equation.

BOB One writer said this entire List is directed to science.

TJ Sorry but this group is dedicated to the science of ACT by it's
founding purpose. If you want to keep ACT at a cultist level and not
in the mainstream, then science becomes less important.

BOB I think we are here looking for better health for people, ways
to safeguard wild life of all sizes, microbes to polar bears, Water,
rivers, lakes well water, farm people and land, parks, gardens,
plants orchards, prevent erosion, improve world economy, grow
sweeter apples and and more.

TJ Absolutely! And with good science will achieve that. BUT, change
requires the concept being embraced by more than the posters here.

TJ Here we've shown ACT can be used in the most unlikely settings,
not with old bachelors tales, but with good, logical, scientifically
based reports.

BOB Aerated Compost TEA is a tool that we believe helps achieve
those ends. Science is a way of developing and evaluating TEA.
Unless we enjoy and report to each other the end product of the
science, science will become of minor interest

TJ Yes, a tool for change. Your reports are more often viewed as a
tool for sales. When the uninitiated read many of the reports they
really do sound like, "use ACT and all your garden problems are

BOB As for regulations - this government of, for and BY the people
Will we let regulations strangle us? BY the people means that WE
need to control government regulations. Not the reverse.

TJ Reality dictates many of us MUST abide by EPA and local
regulations. I just simply don't agree that these rules somehow
remove our freedoms. In many cases they provide a measure of
protection from unscrupulous users of chemicals. That doesn't mean I
don't think there's not room for a lot of improvement!!

BOB When Elaine represents us in the meeting where TEA will be
evaluated and regulations written that is regulations BY the people.
We need to give her all the support she needs from us. We don't -
can't claim that ACT is a positive cure or agent for control of
anything. First because no two brews will be identical. Second
because in natures way total control is not adviseable. As pointed
out by several writers.

BOB Please reread some of your posts in a critical light, you may see
some room for adjusting your style of reporting. But that should not
limit users from reporting observations - good and bad - they make
as to the results of using ACT. Without those exciting reports this
List and our positive effect on Earth's ecology will dwindle to an
end. Keep em coming. Bob
TJ Yes we need MORE observations, it would be nice to see more
observations from users not selling anything (I include myself in
that criticism).


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Received on Sun Aug 24 2003 - 23:12:24 EDT

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