[compost_tea] ACT

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 07:07:47 +0100

I have never and doubt will ever meet Bob Norsen, living in Europe, but the=
 mails that he posts, to my thinking , contain or generate some of the mos=
t practical information. Through his Brewers he encourages information from=
 the end user form which we all benefit.

No one even claims to know about more than a fraction of the
microbial species that are in ACT so how can we possibly make simple
statements about what works??

Simple statements are made by simple people like myself, a practical end us=
er. I have already stated that aphids are 'controlled' (told not to use the=
 word I thought applicable) As is peach leaf curl,even when on the leaf,in =
my circumstances and with my ACT.Perhaps the ACT bacteria prevent the sprea=
d and so the area infected disintragates.These are simple statements of wha=
t one observes and as I shall not be around when the next not much more tha=
n a fraction of the soil microbiology is known.Until then we follow what ad=
vice is applicable to our circumstances and if satisfied with the results t=
hen carry on using what fresh knowledge becomes available. So please encour=
age those with practicle information to share.
Bill H.

Received on Wed Aug 27 2003 - 09:46:44 EDT

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