Re: [compost_tea]

From: David Loring <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 08:07:25 -0700

Chris - The Active Fungi in my first two teas were3.54 and 2.68ug/ml and To=
tal Fungi was 3.73 and 4.95ug/ml. I added the pretreated Greenways mulch (u=
sed a 20oz.disposable clear plastic food container with a half dozen vent h=
oles drilled in the lid, filling it with the slightly moist mulch product w=
hich was recommended by SFI as a mulch with good diversity of materials and=
 without toxic components, added 2oz. fish hydrolysate and mixed it togethe=
r. It was not wet, just moist). I pretreat in a styrofoam egg incubator c=
osting $30 set at 85*F. When I included the pretreated mulch the fungal nu=
mbers were quite high, Active 37.5 and Total 56.11. The Hyphal Diameter we=
nt from 2.5 to 3um. I have not been able to consistantly achieve this high=
 number and only suggest pretreatment as a way to develop a fungal tea. I'=
m still looking for better ways to get the fungi in vermicompost growing fa=
ster and think Azomite might be part of the solution as it adds growing sur=
faces and nutrients.

Dave Sotillo 50

----- Original Message -----
  From: chris reid
  To: Compost Tea
  Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 6:40 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea]


  Thanks for sharing your results with the woody compost.

  Could you says some more -- How have your SFI results changed since using
  the pretreatment? Before/After numbers?

  I would like to include your findings in the "Ideas and Best Practices"

  Knowing the results you got with this method will help others compare the=
  rate of success using the pretreatment approach.

  Do you heat the chips and what kind of container are they in? Details,


  Chris Reid

  Message: 10
     Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 08:56:22 -0700
     From: "David Loring" <>
  Subject: Re: Fruit Club Update

  Judi - Thanks for sharing your recipe, I was just considering buying some
  Azomite and will definitely do it now. I've had some good SFI analysis
  results pretreating 3 cups of woody compost with 2 ounces of fish
  hydrolysate. Give that a try (3 days at 85*F) , I'd love to know what yo=

  Dave Sotillo 50

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Received on Tue Sep 09 2003 - 12:51:15 EDT

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