Re: [compost_tea] probiotics

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 21:16:47 -0800

Clay, the point is that in order to have a healthy soil foodweb, of which c=
ompost tea inoculations of microbes is a part, you need diversity. The prod=
uct being sold may, indeed, do some good. However, it cannot match the dive=
rsity and numbers in good tea. With diversity, you beat the odds down that =
a group of fungi or bacteria are going to beat the others to the exudates o=
n the leaf or root surfaces. Out competition of food resources, space, air.=
...these are all increased with diversity. The more and the more different,=
 the better!

Cheers from Alaska,


Received on Wed Sep 10 2003 - 13:35:45 EDT

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