Re: [compost_tea] Molasses

From: Anthony Quinlan <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 09:10:27 +0800

mike wrote
>Am I right in saying that the soil must go through succession that is, it =
must first become bacterial dominated before it can then progress to fungal=

Mike, based on my experience this succesion to fungal dominance is governed=
 strongly by the organic matter levels present in the soil and in particula=
r the the more complex carbs such as hemi-cellulose and lignin - stuff that=
 the active fungi can really get thier teeth stuck into. I did a number of =
applications on my vineyard (with some excellent SFI numbers) last year whe=
re some rows were mulched and other were not, the unmulched rows had little=
 visible fungi whereas the mulched rows were loaded with the stuff. If you =
supply the accomodation the fungi will check in for an extended stay. Altho=
ugh the area has been subject to biological methods for two years prior, it=
 would of been your typical high bacterial paddock before that.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mike Harvey
  Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 8:44 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Molasses

  I have a situation in Strawberries where we will be using AACT and other =
materials to restore the food web.
  About 50 tonne per ha foul manure (including saw dust) plus super phos an=
d other chemical ferts have been used as well as lime and other inputs prep=
lant it was then gassed (methyl bromide). Plastic layed and planted.
  Full soil food web analysis has been done and I am waiting for the result=
  I expect the results to come back showing a lack in the fungal biomass as=
 well as bacterial.
  We will be using Molasses, humic acid and AACT to restore the web.
  Am I right in saying that the soil must go through succession that is, it=
 must first become bacterial dominated before it can then progress to funga=
l dominated?
  Thus using sufficient rates of molasses to cause a large increase in Ben=
eficial bacteria and then using humic acid as well as molasses to continue =
the succesion towards fungal dominated (always using AACT as the inoculant)=
 Is this the way to go??.
  I note that in the past we have said that Molasses grows bacteria not fun=
gi however we now know that Molasses will also grow great fungi in higher c=
oncentrations. I have seen this in compost will the same thing happen in th=
e soil??
  Molasses is a great product to use in drip lines (compared to other organ=
ic products eg fish) and is reasonably priced hence my interest in it.
   We will test the food web later in the season to see what changes have o=
ccured so it will be interesting.
  Regards Mike Harvey
  New LIfe Soils

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Received on Wed Sep 17 2003 - 22:06:29 EDT

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