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Re: farms in the northeast

KathiSueC@aol.com wrote:
> Hello fellow farmers,
> I'm travelling to Connecticut, Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts in the
> hope of visiting some organic farms over the next several days (Monday
> through Saturday). I was also hoping someone out there may be able to direct
> me or make suggestions of farms to visit. I've been farming in California
> (Santa Cruz) for the past 3 years and have an interest in the northeast as I
> am originally from the east coast. I realize this is not the most opportune
> time to visit...snow, etc. have blanketed the landscape in most places but as
> this is the time of recouperation here, it is also mine in Santa Cruz. Does
> anyone know what town in Massachusetts Caretaker Farm is located in? Or how
> to reach Jean Paul Courtens, and what the name of his farm is in NY? Any help
> is much appreciated!! Cheers!
Jean Paul Courtens & Betsy Cashen run Roxbury BD Farm- a CSA in
Claverack, NY. Their e-mail address is roxbury@mhonline.net . They are
wonderful, generous folks who I'm sure will respond to your interest.

Sincerely, Jane Sherry
